bread H H.T.M

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Another day another bread!!

Im Kim Y/n and I'm in love with the one and only..







Well who wouldn't? the softness, and the sweetness that you can get in every bite, will Hipnotize you.

Well I have 3 reasons why I like bread.

1st reason. I love the sweetness and the softness of the breads.

2nd reason. I just love it, and the shop that I buy breads is really cute.

3rd reason. the owner is so pretty and cute.

I'm already done doing my morning routine and I'm now getting ready to go to school.

I eat the remaining bread I have in the fridge and I'm really planning on getting another bread later.

I met up with my friend Nako. when she suddenly said something."Y/n do you have spare bread?"Nako asked.

"No why nako-chan?"I asked while we walked to the noisy hallway.

"I'm just hugry, do you have any plan on confessing to the cute bread shop owner?"Nako-asked.

"Uhmm no not yet, all she know is that.. I'm a regular there. Plus I don't even know her name."I said making my way to my desk.

"Well your choice."Nako said and walked up to her sit.


The school ended quickly. and Im now heading to the bread shop.

It doesn't have a name well I dont know why but I hope it has a name.

I was almost there when I saw 2 guys fixing a sign on top of the store.

"Bang-tomi?"I mumbled as I read whats on the sign.

I entered the shop and saw the owner there. she looks really cute as she is trying to fix the breads in the right order.

I roamed around trying to find my favorite bread which is custard cream bread.

I finally found it when I saw the cute owner trying to reach the top of the shelf.

She finally reached it when she took a wrong step and she almost fall when I quickly ran up and catch her.

I looked down at her and she is looking up to me. I made her stand up and bowed.

"Are you alright?"I tried to sound polite as much as possible.

"Y-Yeah I'm alright and thank you."The owner said as she proceeded to reach the top of the shelf again.

"You might fall again, Let me help you"I said as I grabbed the duster off her small hands.

I reached it with ease and when the shelf is finally clean, I got down and saw her starring at me.

I chuckled and snapped my fingers near her face for her to comeback.
"Hello you there?"I asked and when she finally stoped zoning out she looked at me with her blushing pink peach cheeks.

"O-Oh yeah, sorry for zoning out."She said and bowed.

"Oh it's nothing and here."I handed her the duster and walked off the get my custard cream bread.

'You looked cool out there Y/n good job!'I thought while having a small smile up my lips.

I grabbed 5 custard cream bread and proceeded at the counter, when I saw her checking the cakes.

"Uhmm."I said and she looked up."I would like to buy these please."I said and put the custard cream bread's on the counter.

"Oh its fine since you helped me its going to be on the house."She said.

"Would you like to eat it here and Ill give you coffee for free."She said with her excited tone while I chuckled.

"Sure why not."I said as she starts to do my coffee.

I sit at my normal spot and start to eat my bread when she walked up to me and placed 2 cups of coffee and sit in front of me.

"Thank you again for saving me and helping me. Im Hitomi."Hitomi said as she offer a handshake.

"Im Y/n."I gladly take her offer and the we laughed.

We talked for hour after hour when I realise its already 8pm.

"Hii-chan I'll get going."I said as I stand up.

I was about to go out when Hitomi pulled me into a hug.

She hugged me for awhile while I hug her back.

"Thank you again Y/n, I had fun today."She said as she handed me a pack of cream breads.

"Me too hii-chan lets meet tomorrow."I said and walked home.

I enter my house and opened the pack of custard cream bread that Hii-chan gave me when I saw a latter hiding beneath it.

"Here's my number lets get to know each other more ~Hii-chan"I read out the letter.

"Let's get to know each other more Hii-chan."


A/n: I know its a short story but its fine. I just want bread right now!!!

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