Letting Go M S.N

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I just have this feeling of making another Twice one shot and again if you don't like it, Fell free to leave


Letting go is the hardest thing to do, but If you have to, You have to. If it's the only reason for you to smile again then I'll let you go for you to be happy.


I hate the fact that every time I go home from work I can smell alcohol cigarettes I hate it.

And I hate the fact that I'm letting you do it. I guess its love or maybe one sided love.

I just hate Me for loving you and for you to only use the money that I worked hard for. Why can't I just accept the fact that you'r tired of me, that you don't love me anymore. Please tell me Why can't I accept it.

Maybe because of the stupid thing called L-O-V-E

*Han Y/n's P.O.V*

"Thank you, Please come again." I bowed as the last costumer left the cafe. I replaced the Open sign to closed sign as I then cleaned the tables then the counter.

"You did Great today Y/n"My friend which is the owner Mina said. "Oh I have to Minari ."I said as I smiled then took off my apron.

"Oh here's your Pay."Mina said while handing me the money."Thanks Minari."I said then bowed.

"Let me guess, Your going to buy Alcohol and cigarettes for Sana. Y/n you know that she don't love you anymore, why bother buy her those things.Learn to let go Y/n. Just break up with her and start a new life?"Mina said as I looked at the money and showed her a weak smile.

"Minari you know its not that easy to let go, And You know I did everything to have her, For her to love me back. And I cant afford to lose her."I said as Mina then showed me a the cold eyes.

"What about your heart?"Mina ask making me look at my heart."Its perfectly fine Minari, and Besides, Everything has an end. nothing last for ever."I said as I showed a positive smile.

"Like what?"Mina asked as she leaned on the counter. "Fri(end) Girlfri(end) Boyfri(end) and Best Fri(end)"I said as I enumerate it all.

"That's why I call you Best Fri!"Mina said as I laughed at her."What ever you say Minari. I'll get going now."I said as I headed out.

I walked to the cold streets of Seoul Looking above seeing Constellations. "Beautiful."I mumbled as I chuckled.

I entered a small CU mart and buy a 3 bottles of Soju and a pack of cigarettes.  I walked to mine and sana's shared apartment."How long would this last sana.."I mumbled as I enter our Apartment Complex.

I entered our code to open the door and as to my surprise there are 2 shoes. I Identify the first shoe and it was sana's and the second she well, How would I know.

I Took off my shoes and entered the living room. I saw scattered clothes on the floor as I pick one up and saw that it's sana's.

"O-Ohh Dahyun-ah Faster!!"I hear a scream on mine and sana's room as I took a peek inside and saw her having fun with Dahyun her Friend.

A tear escaped my eye then after that it started to produce a large amount of tears. I walked to the living room as I plop myself down.

I chuckled as I opened the bottle of soju. I didn't even bother to get a cup as I drink it all in 1 go. I felt my throat aching as I felt it burn.

I sniffed as I pick up a picture of me and sana together. It was our first date and She enjoyed it, I guess.

"A-Ahh oh that feels so good Dahy-A-ahh!"Sana shouted as I can clearly hear them. A bitter smile crept in my face as I still look at mine sand sana's picture together.

The frame was now covered with dry tears, my eyes felt heavy and I felt exhausted. I heard a faint footsteps going to the living room.

I heard a chuckle as I decided to open another Bottle of Soju. I take a sip but then I heard a gasp. I turned my head to the noise as I saw Sana in a bathrobe.

I gave her a bitter smile as I looked at our picture."Did you have fun?"I asked as I take another sip of Soju.

"Y-Y/n-ah...How long have you been there."Sana asked while walking towards me."Stop, Don't go near me.."I said in a stern voice.

"it looks like Dahyun-shi is in the shower, am i right?"I said as I stand up and sana nodded."Good cause I don't want to see her, or her face will be ruined."I said as I walked towards sana.

Tears streamed down my eyes as I looked at her."I'm finally going to let go,Sana-shi."I said as I felt my heart tighten.

"W-what do you mean? Y/n-nah please I'm sorry I'll change!"Sana said holding my arm. "No need sana I finally realize that Minari Is totally right. I should learn to let go of someone."I said as I looked at her with red eyes.

"Don't worry about me Sana-shi. And I'm sorry for forcing you to love me."I said as I gently remove her hands on my arm.

"Please Y/n, Y/n!!!"Sana said as I grabbed the bottle of Soju and go. I walked to the now dark streets of Seoul still thinking of what happened and I'm now in front of Namsan Tower.

My heart suddenly tighten as I quickly grabbed my phone and called Mina. 

Mina picked up the phone and asked what is it."Mina My heart it hurts.."I said as I felt it hurt more."What happened?"Mina asked."Sana cheated on me."I said as My hear tighten"Where are you?!?!"Mina shouted."In front of Namsan Towe-"My lungs stopped breathing and It all went black

*Sana's P.O.V.*

I regret it I regret everything...Sorry Y/n..I'm sorry. I grabbed my phone and Dialed Y/n. 

I Exited the apartment and ran to the streets of Seoul, I ran around as I find myself Infront Of Namsan Tower. I saw a crowd of people. I walked towards the crowd Of people as then Ambulance entered the scene.

The picked up the body then I saw a glimpse of a bracelet, a memorable bracelet. the bracelet I give Y/n at our first anniversary. They soon covered the body as I looked around the crowd.

I saw Mina Kneeling on the ground crying her heart out."M-Mina..Where's Y/n?"I asked.

"It's all your fault, Your fault sana.."Mina said as she pointed at the body being taken away. 

I walked towards the body and take off half of the white cover. I saw Y/n's Lifeless body lying on the stretcher..

"Y-Y/n..No Please!! No please I'll Change I didn't mean it Y/n-ah please..Please Wake up."I said shaking her body.

They take me away as the try to revive Y/n but they suddenly stopped."Time of Death 11:11pm, December 22,Sunday. 'Cause of Death Cardiac Arrest."The doctor said as They covered Y/n's body again.

"Please don't take her away she's still alive. Please!!! I-I-I'm begging you."I Shouted as Mina take me away making way for the ambulance to take Y/n away.

"No!!"I shouted As I heard the Ambulance's Siren go On. They dove Y/n away as I cried on the ground begging for Y/n to wake up.

"Sana, Y/n truly love you but how could you do it. She did everything for you and yet cheated on her..Sana, Y/n has now let you go. Learn to Let go of Y/n aswell.."Mina said as she walked away.

I'm sorry Y/n, I'm truly sorry..I wish, I would have wished for you to come back to me at 11:11

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