Judgement K C.W

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They don't have the right to judge us.


I'm Yun Y/n, and I have a girlfriend. Yes a girlfriend, some people judge us because, it's a girl to girl love story of ours.

But I don't really care about what they think, but I don't think it's the same for my girlfriend Kim Chaewon.

Whenever we go to the park or even the mall, she always avoids skin ship. And I hate it.

She won't hold my hand or even hug me, it's like a nightmare for me. Even when we are alone, she won't even cuddle with me.

And that hurt me because cuddles are a must! I really like her, and does she but why is she like this.

I walked with my friends Yujin, Hyewon, Lia and chaeryeong as we walked towards our classroom.

"Wonyoung-ie!!!!"Yujin shouted as she ran towards her girlfriend wonyoung. "Yeji!"Lia unnie shouted as she ran towards her girlfriend aswell.

"Hyewon unnie, it seems that we are the only ones who are single here."Chaer said as Hyewon unnie laughed.

"As long as I have my cake, I'm alright."Hyewon unnie stated as I gave her a little chuckle.

"Chaewon!"I shouted as I ran towards my girlfriend as she enters the classroom.

I was going in for a hug when she holds my arms. "Y/n not here, what are the others going to think about us."Chaewon stated as she looked around to see if someone saw what I did.

"Oh...sorry."I stated as I created some distance between us. "next time Y/n, don't do that in public."Chaewon said as she sighed and walked pass me.

"Ouch."Chaeryeong mumbled as she looked at me and gave me a smile. "It's ok Y/n, I think your girlfriend has the thing called time of the month."Chaer said as I chuckled and nod.

"Let's go to our seat now."Hyewon unnie said as we nod.


I'm now at my dorm as I wore some comfy clothes and did some homework as I received a call from Chaewon. 


Hi, what's up?

Can you come with me
To the store? I need to buy

Sure I'll be right there.

I wore my shoes as I grabbed my phone and my wallet. Me and Chaewon are actually just neighbors so it's easy for me to go to her house.

I knocked at her door as I heard a faint "come in". I walked in as I saw Chaewon looking at a list of groceries as she grabbed her wallet.

"Let's go now."Chaewon said as she walked out as I just followed her from behind. "Y/n I'm sorry."Chaewon suddenly said as I just look at her.

"You don't have to,"I said as she nod. "It's just-" "let's not talk about this here."I cutted her off as I hold her hand.

"Cheer up will you?"I said as I danced a little bit of cheer up of twice. "Fine,"Chaewon said as she gave me her usual bright smile.

We entered the store as I asked Chaewon if I could see the list. "This seems a lot."I said as Chaewon nod.

"That's going to be my grocery for the whole month, but as you know the girls like to hang out at my dorm so that will actually be enough."Chaewon said as I chuckled.

We picked out all the things that we need as now we are lining up for the counter.

Are they a thing?

I think they are just Bestfriends.

Ew, girl should only love a boy.

What a disgrace.

As usual we get those comments from the people around us. I sighed as I saw Chaewon look down as she slowly let go of my hand.

"Why do you have to let go?"I asked as I gave the groceries to the cashier. "I find it uncomfortable."Chaewon said as I scoff.

"Don't tell me that you are actually listening to what they say.."I said as I sternly looked at her. "Y/n we don't have to fight here."Chaewon fired back as I scoff and grabbed the groceries as I layed for them and left Chaewon.

I walked faster as I can hear Chaewon shouting for my name. But because of my anger I didn't even bother to look back.

I entered the dorm sight of our school as I walked towards Chaewon's dorm and placed down the groceries.

"Y/n, look-" "Chaewon, I already told you back then, you don't have to listen to them."I cutted her off as I stared at her.

"It's hard Y/n, whenever you go you here those kinds of things!"Chaewon fired back as I can see tears in her eyes.

"I know it's hard, but you know listening on what they say and not listening to yourself, is like betraying yourself Chaewon. Because how can you listen to them when you can't even listen to yourself."I said as I hold her hand.

"We did nothing wrong, it's just we live in a judgemental society Chaewon."I stated as I smiled at her.

"Loving has no boundaries. We love each other, so let's focus on that not on what they say about us."I said as I hugged her as I can feel her sob in my arms.

"Promise me one thing."I asked as I put out on my pinky. "Don't listen to them, Don't focus on them ok? Because the more you focus on them the more you will get hurt."I said as Chaewon nod.

"Promise?"I asked as Chaewon accepted the pinky promise. "Promise."


We didn't do anything wrong, it's just we live in a judgemental society. Don't listen to what other people say, because they don't have the right to judge you.


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