Santa tell me I N.Y

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I was Inspired by Nabongs Santa tell me so why bot make a Imagine.


Santa tell me if you're really there, Don't make me fall in love again if he won't be here next Year.


*Nayeon's P.O.V*

The Streets field With Christmas lights. The little kids singing Christmas carols to the houses. Snow flakes Gracefully landing on the ground.

Seeing everybody Happy with there Family and I'm here walking to the streets alone. It's currently December 24, 8:00 pm in the afternoon.

I bought ingredients to make this Christmas special. This is Y/n and I first Christmas together. And I want to celebrate it with her.

Me and Y/n have different Groups but same agency. She is the oldest one in Itzy born on January 9 1998.

Well age doesn't matter if love gits you then it hits you. I haven't seen her in months and Im really wishing santa to just give me my Y/n for Christmas.

I couldn't wish for more if Santa would just give me my Y/n for Christmas then I'll be the happiest Girl alive.

I bought ingredients for our Christmas celebration. Even though I know I'm not the best cook but I can manage.

"Today The prettiest Im Nayeon is going to cook for the Puppy Y/n."I said as I prepared the materials needed.

"Ok what jeongyeon Thought me. First Open the stove."I said as I open the stove. "Second put the fr-Wait I haven't washed it yet!"I said as I turn off the oven.

I washed all the materials especially the pan. "Ok now open the stove, then the put the pan, Put oil."I said as I did everything.

"Ok now that I put the oil, bow the water!"I said as I smile thinking that everything would go to plan.

I put the water then the fireworks started. I ran out of the kitchen as I hurriedly Called jeongyeon.

"Yah Yoo Jeongyeon! Help me!"I said as I Called her. Jeongyeon immediately Get to mine and Y/n's apartment.

She didn't even greet me as she immediately Go to the kitchen and turned of the stove.

"Yah Im Nayeon, Ive told you many times that Oil, and water can't be together."Jeongyeon said as She signalled me that she will be the one to do all of the cooking.

I stared at her while she cooked. I then felt bored so I grabbed my Cellphone and looked at My and Y/n's messages.

Looking back at it Y/n is a really sweet person, even though she doesn't have time she still replies to my text, and when it's time to go she will always say.

"Bunny, This puppy is really sorry for making you wait for me. After our promotion I will cuddle with you all day."Thats the message I always receive and she always do what she say.

I once told her that I'm craving for mangoes and since it's not season yet then she promised me to get me mangoes. she ordered mango from the Philippines and gave it to me after a week.

I quickly asked her if she will be with me this Christmas.


Puppy are you going to be
with me this Christmas?

Bunny I don't know, I'm sorry
I really am. Did you behave like a good girl?

Of course cause My Y/n
Told me to be a good girl.

Then Santa will come so,
Make a wish now before
it's to late.

I already made a wish.

Maybe he'll Grant it.

I hope so, I have to go
now Puppy Please comeback.

I'll try bunny don't worry about me

*End of the Text.*

"I see Y/n is still busy?"Jeong asked as I nodded while looking at our conversation.

"Well I better go now its already 10:30."Jeong said as she walked out of the house.

I sighed as I looked at our 74 Inch Tv. I light bulb pop on top of my head as I knew a way to kill time.

I arranged The food Jeong Made for me and put candles. I found a candle that smell like candy as I light it a really fresh smell can be smelled even from afar.

I then looked at the time and its now 11:00 pm 1 more hour and it's Christmas.

I watched Variety shows that Y/n was in and it was so funny. I then looked again at the clock and it was now 11:55 pm and Y/n's still not here.

I sat in front of our large tree as I put my Hands together hoping to have Y/n for Christmas.

I already said my wish as I heared the town clock ringing the bells.
And it's now Christmas.

I lost hope as I saw people celebrate on the streets. Then fireworks vegan as i felt more empty.

I sat on an empty chair near the window as I can still see the people surrounding the clock.

Then the door opened revealing Santa-a slim Santa. Santa was bring a red bag what I van guess filled with toys i guess.

"Why is this Bunny still not asleep."Santa said in a deep voice."Well I already told you What i want for Christmas and i Don't want toys."I said as I pouted.

"Oh you wanted that cute puppy right?"Santa said as he chuckled. I recognize the chuckle as santa took off his or her mask.

"Hi bunny."Y/n said making me shock. I ran to her as I felt tears stream down my eyes.

"puppy I miss you!"I shouted as I hugged her tighter."C-cant breath."Y/n said tapping.

"I just missed you so Much."I said as I burried my face on her chest."I missed you to."Y/n said as She ruffle my hair.

"You are a good girl this year so this is your gift."Y/n said pointing herself.

"The best gift I could ever receive."I said as We looked at the fireworks.

This is the best Christmas ever😊


Hey guys I stayed up just to write this thing so please support Nayeon and Please support her cover ☝Pawer

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