Beautiful Scar L C.R

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With my Forehead scar, I'm considered as ugly..


*Chaeryeong's P.O.V*

another school year, a brand new start.

I'm Lee chaeryeong, Vice president of the dance club together with my unnie, I'm currently a Junior and my sister is a senior.

I've been in this school since I was in 7th grade, and all I can say is, beauty is the top priority here.

All of them came from Rich families and high expectations towards beauty, all I can say is that, their beautiful on the outside but not..on the inside.

They bully kids that don't look as good as them, and most of them, bully Y/n.

Son Y/n she is really beautiful and, I really like her. It's just, I'm afraid to confess, since she might not like me.

Everybody thinks that she's, ugly. But for me, she's so beautiful.

She has a scar on her forehead, just like Harry Potter, but the difference is, she is not a wizard.

She has been my classmate since 7th grade, and she is goddamn smart.

But since summer already ended, I get to see her again. But I'll make this first day memorable.

I wanted to confess to her, even though I don't have the confidence to do so..but I'll try my best.

I woke up early and did my morning routine, and since school starts at 8:30 and it's currently 6:09 I have 2 hours and 21 minutes left.

"Chaer, Chae come down for breakfast!"Mom shouted as me and unnie got down and ate breakfast.

"So you have a start of the school year ceremony today?"Mom asked as me and Chaeyeon unnie nod.

"And both of our groups are going to, dance for the introduction."I said as I took a bite of the pancake.

"Alright, have fun..and oh Chaeyeon."Mom said as she wiped her mouth.

"When is your girlfriend sakura going to visit here?"Mom asked making unnie choke on her food.

I rubbed her back as I handed her water, "Mom!"Chaeyeon unnie shouted as she blushed.

"Just asking, Chae. Well how about you Chaeryeong, when are you going to have a girlfriend?"Mom said as I choked on my saliva.

I coughed and coughed as I tried to reach for my water then, "she is going to confess today mo-" "Let's go unnie!"I said as grabbed mine and Chaeyeon unnie's bag and bud goodbye to Mom and left.

"Unnie!"I said as we walked to the nearest bus stop. "Why?,"Unnie said as she laughed hard.

"Look, don't be afraid to do it, Y/n will accept you, just think positive."Unnie said as we sat at the bus station waiting for our bus.

"But what if..they, don't accept us?"I asked."who do you mean by they?"Unnie asked.

"You know..the..the..the kids at school.."I said as I looked down.

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