I'll make you Happy (Im Nayeon)

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(I wanted to make a twice Oneshot for a while now but not sure how, that's why Im just making this average nayeon One shot. I recently fell in love with Twice again and I can't control It!! I love nayeon now but If you don't like it feel free to go)


I made other people Happy, while I'm here thinking how to make myself happy. Bringing joy to people was my thing, But bringing joy to myself Is not a thing. Help me, I want to be happy.


Im Son Y/n I love bringing joy to people. Seeing them happy really makes my day, they basically call me their happy pill.

When I first entered Middle school, a lot of people told me that I was cold.

But when they get to know me, I made their day happy.

I always go to school with a happy face, But little do they know that I go home with no parents to greet me.

I was 10 when my mom and dad died on a ship. They were having their honeymoon on cruise when a large wave crashed into them.

I never had a sibling I'm all alone. I didn't learn to socialize that much but when It happened, I became sociable. I want to make my pain into energy that's why I started to socialize more.

But when I always come home on a large house with no parents just those loyal butlers that my mom and dad hired.

They became my family I always smile for them but I still have this large scar inside me, that can never be healed.

*You make me feel special~*

I woke up from the sound of my alarm and look everywhere for my phone.

I tapped the my pillow and finally!! I saw my phone. I opened it and saw it's already 6:30, 1 hour before class.

I did my quick morning routine and get down the stairs quickly. I packed my bag and saw some of the maids cooking for my breakfast.

"Everybody!"I shouted as they all looked at me."I need to go now, You guys can eat,Mindo!! lets go."I said as me and Mindo my driver exited the house.

We arrived at the school and heard the bell ring. I ran to the hallways bot caring what the people will say to me.

I slammed the door open and saw my classmates looking at me weirdly.

"Yah..Son Y/n why are you almost late?"My friend Yeji asked.

"Well..I slept late last night.."I said as I looked down.

"Doing something like thinking about someone?"Yeji asked.

'I was thinking about my parents Yeji.'I thought.

"No doing my homework, and stuffs."I said as I avoided eye contact.

I sat down as I Can feel my phone vibrate. I unlocked my phone when I saw a notif.

I read it out saying to remind me that today's my parents death anniversary.

I looked sad as I looked at my phone. People might think something's wrong when I'm quiet.

Its not usual for them to see me like this, But I can't help it.

"Hey bud looking down."Jihyo unnie said while I slowly looked at her.

"What's wrong?"Lia asked. "Nothing just I..umm"I said thinking of an excuse."I saw a dog..without a home..and..with bruises.. that's why I became sad.."I said as I avoided eye contact.

"Aww that's sad.."they all said in unison. 

The day got more sadder as it continues. I was now walking alone on a really crowded hallway with my head hung low.

Everybody became quiet as I walked. I bumped into someone, me being not in the mood I didn't say sorry.

"Yahh!! you nerd why did you not say sorry."A girl said turning me around. Our eyes met and it is the one and only bully of our school Jennie.(no hate pleshue)

"Oh the one and only Son Y/n."Jennie said as she smirked."what do you want Jennie?."I asked with a stern voice as I looked at her.

My body is slowly filling in with anger and I can't stop it. her tight grip on my current weak arm got me more weak.

My feet stumbled as Jennie looked at me more and more fierce. She leaned in and said.

"Say sorry or I'll punish yo-" "What are you doing Kim Jennie!!!"Someone cutted Jennie off as the person who shouted got closer.

She pulled me and Dragged me behind her back. "Kim Jennie...Just go before my temper breaks out."The person said.

Jennie walked away but before that she gave me a quick glance. The person then turned to me and looked at me.

I hung my head low as tears stream down on my face. She grabbed my chin to make me look at her.

"it's ok now don't worry."I looked at her and saw the one and only my bestfriend Im Nayeon.

She hugged me but I didn't return the hug instead I ran off. I ran and ran Until I felt my heart tighten.

I looked around and saw that Im in the cemetery. I looked around and then i looked down. I saw my parents grave.

"How did I get here?"I asked my self as I sit down. I looked at them and then tears escaped my eyes once again.

"Mom, Dad. I'm sorry I couldn't  be the brave Girl that you guys wanted. I tried, i tried so hard but I, I couldn't. I tried to smile every time, but my smile always fades when I head Home..Why did you leave me here all alone, Why didn't you, Why didn't you bring me with you So I can feel your warm hugs again. I made everybody but why can't I be happy. Tell me Mom Tell me Dad!! Isn't it funny to see me here crying, But what can I do? I miss you guys. whats the point of being here not being happy."I said as I cried my hear out saying every word while the tears escaped my eyes.

"I wan't to die now!" I shouted and lean my head back when i suddenly felt pair of arms hugging me tight.

I heard soft sniffs while the person is still hugging me tight.

"W-Who are you?"I said as I tried to look. She pulled away and faced me towards her.

"Yah pabo yah~ why did you ran?"Nayeon asked me as she held my hands tight.

"I-I" "You can't die Y/n!! I like you"Nayeon cutted me off with the sudden confession.

"W-what.."I said as I stared at the green grass. "I liked you pabo, I really do. I gave you many hints but your to dense to get me. I liked you since the first day you transferred. Can't you notice everytime you cry I'm always there for you, 'cause I like you."Nayeon said making me face her.

I stared at her sparkling eyes as the wind messed her hair making her look more beautiful.

"I will make sure that I'll make you happy. I'll stay by your side till our last breath."Nayeon said as she connected our lips smashing them together. It was passionate,sweet and after sometime it got wild.

She asked for entrance as I gladly accepted it. We disconnected the long and passionate kiss and looked at each others eyes.

"I'll make sure to make you happy."Nayeon said as she hugged me tight.

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