Colorless K M.J

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Everything seems colorless, I don't know why but I can't see colors only black and white. But suddenly filled with colors.


Everything seems so dark. Everything seems so wrong. I can't see colors but suddenly when im with you Im filled with life.

I'm Seo Y/n and I'm color blind. The colors that I can only see is black and white you know in the old movies.

I have this beautiful best friend Kim Minju. I've been bullied for all my life, People always say that "Colorless Y/n" That basically became my nickname.

I rarely smile cause why would I even smile If i can only see black and white, Why would I smile even though Im being bullied. But I only smile because of her .And because of an accident my sight became colorless at the age of 6

This world got crueler by years pass. People compare themselves to others and me I started to question it to.

I hate my eyes, I hate it. I can see but everything seems so dark. It only has 1 job but it can't do it.

Im now in my classroom looking at the colorless board. tapping my pencil against the table.

The door opened revealing Chaewon. Everybody are so jealous of her. She has the visuals the talent and the brains. but one thing is she doesn't have, the attitude.

"Oh hey I can see Colorless Y/n sitting alone over there."Chaewon said grabbing the attention of my classmates so they decided to laugh at me.

"Shut up."Someone said opening the door. The girl opened the door revealing Minju.

"If you don't have something better to do, Then go outside of this classroom Chaewon."Minju said walking towards me.

I looked at her and for the first time I saw a glimpse of Blue. My eyes widened as I stare at the glimpse of blue on minju's shirt.

I blinked a couple of times and now it's gone. "Huh."I mumbled as I blink again and everything became colorless.

"Morning Y/nn."Minju said in a cute voice making me blush. I looked away and looked through the window and saw the sky, Its color blue.

I jumped from my sit and onto the ground. I rubbed my butt and looked at the sky again.

"What are you looking at Y/nn?"Minju said. "The color! Minju the color!"I said as I pointed at the sky.

"Why did you see color!"Minju said as I turned my head towards her then the sky and then it became colorless again.

"Ahh!!"I said as I hit my head multiple times."Why are you teasing me! making me bely that I can see colors!"I shouted as tears form my eyes.

"D-Did tou really see colors? Y/n?"Minju said as I looked at her and nodded.

She walked towards me as she wiped the tears that formed my eyes. I looked at her and I can see her brown eyes her dark hair and her pink lips, Overall she is perfect.

My eyes widened as I saw minju for the first time with colors. I cried harder as minju comforted me. "Minju-yah you didn't say that you're this beautiful."I said as look at her.

"H-Huh? what do you mean?"Minju said in confusion."Your brown eyes, Pink plump lips, Your black silky hair and your white skin."I said as I showed a little smile.

"D-Did you actually described me?"Minju asked as I nodded."Yes."I said.

Minju hugged me as I hugged her back. Then a pang of dizziness hit me. The world started to spin as my grip on Minju thighed.

"W-whats wrong?"Minju asked."I-Im feeling Diz-"The I fainted.


"Mr. Seo Your daughter can now see colors. but she may faint sometimes as her brain is adjusting to the big change. I want you to always look at her and make sure its ok and make sure that she take her meds."The Dr. said.

"And you young lady you maybe the reason why she is seeing colors now make sure to stay by her side."The Dr. added then left the room.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw my dad looking at me smiling. Then I felt a grip on my hand a tight grip to be honest.

I looked at the hand and saw Minju."Minju-yah what happened?"I said as I tried to sit up straight but failed.

"Be careful Y/nn."Minju said smiling. I looked around me and saw the trees filled with color.

Minju helped me to stand up and I can see the birds chirping, The sky that looks so blue, The sun who shines so bright, And lastly I saw my dad for the first time filled with color.

His black hair and his white skin. His gold rolex and his suit with white tie.

I ran to him and hugged him. "Im proud that you can actually see colors now."Dad said swinging me around.

"You're mom will be so proud, and always remember your mom is so sorry for making you colorless honey so please even though she is bot here she is always sorry because of the accident."Dad stated as My eyes were filled with tears.

"I already accepted her apologie dad."I said as dad nodded and let me talk with Minju in private.

"Minguri, You look so beautiful when your filled with colors. Thank you for always being with me even though im like this. for fighting for me when I can't fight for myself. Thank you."I said as I hugged her.

"I did that because I love you silly, since we we're just kids. I wanted to protect you from those bullies. I love you Y/n"Minju confessed.

"I love you to Minguri."I said as I hugged her tightly.

Life is much more beautiful when filled with colors.

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