Heather A Y.J

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Wish I were heather.


"Why would you ever kiss me, I'm not even half as pretty-" "hey, what are you doing?"My Bestfriend Ahn Yujin cutted me off as I stopped what I'm currently doing.

"Oh yeah, nothing Actually."I said as I stand up from my bed and layed down my guitar.

"It's been a while since the last time I heard you singing, any new songs?"Yujin asked as I just shake my head.

"Then what's the song you were playing?"Yujin asked as she grabbed my guitar.

"It's just random lyrics that pop out of my mind."I said as I sat down beside her.

"New sweater?"I asked as I looked at her new blue sweater. "Yeah, I just bought it yesterday. Wanna try?"Yujin asked as I was about to refuse but she already take off her sweater.

"Don't worry I'm wearing an extra shirt underneath."Yujin said as I smiled.

"Try it on, it'll look good on you."Yujin said as she handed me the sweater. I wore it and it's really comfortable.

"It's really comfortable."I said as Yujin nod. "I know right?! Since I aced my competition yesterday I bought myself a gift and that's the sweater, but to be honest, it looks really good on you.. I'm jealous, wear it since it's cold outside."Yujin said as I look myself in the mirror infront of us.

I smiled as I look down knowing that my face will heat up any moment now, as I take out a little chuckle.

"Why don't we go out to day?"Yujin asked as I nod."Sure I'm free anyways."I said as Yujin then smiled at me, making me feel something weird.

We head out as we go on a friendly date, we we're having the time of our lives we didn't saw the time was already near midnight.

We sat at a near bench as we both made eye contact and laughed. I know that we're weird but it's just too funny for us.

My tummy started growling as both of decided to go to our last stop which is a CU store to buy some mid night snacks.

Both of picked what we want as I was picking some ramen and was about to ask Yujin what she wants  but then saw her looking at someone near the cashier.

As the girl turned around, a light suddenly appeared around her and it's Yujin's senior, Kim Minju.

I know that Yujin likes her alot but she denies it every time but it's really clear. I looked at both of them as I saw Yujin's eyes sparkling.

I gave both of them a faint smile as I grabbed the ramen and snacks that we need and handed them to your Yujin.

I then pushed her towards the cashier making her near Minju, as she looks at me with the "Wtf" look.

I gave her a faint smile as I saw minju behind Yujin. I can sense the tension in Yujin's side as I looked at both of them.

Minju was smiling innocently as I walked behind them as I pushed them together, making minju's things drop.

Yujin then death glared at me as I smiled at her and mouthed. "Help her, pick it up"

Yujin then started helping Minju as I gave them one last faint smile as I slowly walked away.

I entered my house as I entered my room with a river of tears dropping. I smiled as I turned my gaze towards the mirror looking at Yujin's blue sweater.

"Only if you knew, how much I like you.."I said as I payed down my bed. "How could I hate her? She's such an angel."I mumbled as I wiped my tears, but it's still flowing.

"Damn, she's got you mesmerized, while I die.."I said as I smiled through the pain I'm feeling right now.

I grabbed my guitar as I started strumming different chords and singing random lyrics.

I still remember
Third of December
Me in your sweater
You said it looked better

On me, than it did you
Only if you knew
How much I liked you
But I watch your eyes, as she

Walks by
What a sight for
Sore eyes
Brighter than a
Blue sky
She's got you
While I die

Why would you ever kiss me?
I'm not even half, as pretty
You gave her your sweater
It's just polyester, but you like her better
Wish I were Heather

Watch as she stands with
Her holding your hand
Put your arm 'round her shoulder
Now I'm getting colder

But how could I hate her?
She's such an angel
But then again, kinda
Wish she were dead, as she

Walks by
What a sight for
Sore eyes
Brighter than a
Blue sky
She's got you
While I die

Why would you ever kiss me?
I'm not even half, as pretty
You gave her your sweater
It's just polyester, but you like her better
I wish I were Heather

Wish I were Heather
Wish I were Heather

My tears were overflowing as I strummed harder making my fingers red as there's now blood visible on it.

But right now, I feel no pain, just plain numbness. "Why would you ever kiss me?  I'm not even half, as pretty You gave her your sweater
It's just polyester, but you like her better wish I were"As I sang those last lyrics I felt sudden pain in my chest as I punched it multiple times

I suddenly heard my phone ring as I received a message from Yujin.

Y/n sweg🙄
Jinie pabo☹️

Hey, the thing that you did
A moment ago..thank you.

I got Minju unnie's num
We're going on a date next week.

I just wanna say thank you so
Damn much Y/n-ie! As a gift
You can keep that sweater.

(You're making this to hard for me.)

I love you Y/n-ie muah!

Np, bud any time..

"Wish I we're heather.."I mumbled as I turned off my phone.


~Still wishing I was your heather.


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