I want you back J Y.R

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Letting go of you was the biggest mistake of my life.


"I think, we should part ways for now."I said as I left a crying Yuri on her dorm as I cried while walking out.

It's been a year now, since I last talked to her, and I have to admit..every night I felt empty, alone.

Why did I leave her you'd ask. Well, studies. I know it's silly but, yeah because of my studies. It was really hard balancing everything.

Between her and of course my studies. She was my everything but I didn't chose her. Every night this thought always comes up on my mind.

"Why didn't I fight?"

I'm now a graduating student, same goes for Yuri. We attended the same University but on different departments.

We sometimes ran to each other, as she always looks at me while I just avoided eye contact.

You can call me the dumbest person in this world and I'll gladly accepted it.

I always look back to were we start, and I always find myself smiling. This girl..makes me so happy, but I left her.

"Will she give me a second chance?"I asked myself as I look at our old messages.

"Yah, still looking back at your old convo with her?"Chaeyeon unnie asked as i chuckled. "Of course, whenever I feel down, I'll just read some of our messages then I'll feel fine."I said as Chaeyeon unnie pat my back.

"You still love her don't you?"Chaeyeon unnie asked as I nod. "Of course, that feeling never fade away."I said.

"Unnie..if I try again, would she forgive me? Would she give me a second chance?"I asked as I felt my heart tingling.

"Hm, it's her decision. But you know, why not try?"Chaeyeon unnie said as I chuckled. "I'll try to think about it."I stated as I then heard Ryujin calling me.

"Y/n! Chaeyeon unnie. I was trying to find both of you.."Ryujin said as she pants. "Well, I'll make this quick. Are you guys going to Eunbi unnie's party? You know it's the last party that we are going to have, before graduating."Ryujin said.

"Sure, why not."Chaeyeon unnie said as she then looked at me. "What if Yuri's there.."I mumbled as Chaeyeon unnie smiled.

"Everything's going to be fine. Don't worry,"Chaeyeon unnie said as I chuckled. "Fine.. I'm in."I said as Ryujin shouted.

"YEAH! We're going all night tomorrow!"Ryujin said as I chuckled.


"What should I wear.."I asked myself as I looked at the clock. "I only have 30 minutes left!"I panicked as I just picked a camo hoodie and ripped jeans.

"Yah! Hun Y/n!"I heard Ryujin. Shouted as I just tied my hair in a messy bun as I ran downstairs.

"Yah! We are going to be late!"Ryujin said as she crossed her arms. "Yah, that's not important, what's important is she is now ready."Chaeyeon unnie said as I chuckled.

"Are you seriously going to be in that kind of outfit?"Ryujin asked as I nod. "I find it comfortable."I stated.

"Hmm..fine,"Ryujin said as I pat her back. "Why would I sacrifice comfort for style."I said as Ryujin chuckled.

"That's my line!"Ryujin said as I put my tongue out. We go in Chaeyeon unnie's car as we drive towards Eunbi unnie's house.

"Are you going to drink there?"Ryujin asked as I chuckled. "I'll try not to."I said.

"We are here."Chaeyeon unnie said as she parked the car infront of a mansion. We exited as we saw Eunbi unnie greeting everyone.

"Oh Chaeyeon-ah, Ryujin, Y/n! It's nice to see you."Eunbi unnie said as she hugged us.

"Nice to see you to unnie."I stated as she pat my head. "Your Yuri is inside."Eunbi unnie said as I stared at her.

"My Yuri?"I asked as Eunbi unnie nod. "Go inside, she's alone there. Keep her company."Eunbi unnie said as I remained silence.

"Go now."Chaeyeon unnie said as she smiled at me. I ran inside as I search for Yuri. "Oh!! Y/n!"Lia unnie shouted as she danced and walked towards me.

"What are you doing here, come and drink."Lia unnie said as she gave me a can of beer. "Oh unnie, have you seen Yuri?"I asked as Lia unnie smirked.

"Ohhhh Y/n I know what you're doing."Lia unnie said as she cheekyly look at me. "No it's not what you think-""she's at the balcony."Lia unnie cutted me off as she pat my shoulder.

"Goodluck Y/n!"Lia unnie said as she winked at me. I ran towards the balcony as I saw a little figure staring at the stars.

I chuckled as I grabbed another can of beer for Yuri. I walked towards her as I stand beside her. "The views great isn't it?"I asked as I hand her a can of beer.

"Y/n..."Yuri said as I smiled at her. "how are you? Have you been doing well?"I asked as I opened my beer.

"Ah..kind of."Yuri said as she tried to open hers, but failed. "you still can't open a can of beer.."I chuckled as I opened hers.

"You didn't tell the girls that we broke up, didn't you."I said as I smiled. "Oh, that..uhmm I can tell them-""don't."I cutted her off as I grabbed her hand.

"I still want you Yuri..I really do."I said as tears were forming in my eyes. "You know, I'm the most stupid person in earth, because I already have the most perfect person for me, but I let go of it."I stated as I couldn't stop my tears from falling.

"And know..I'm going to try and get you back.. I want you back."I said as I wiped my tears. "And I promise you that I won't let you go anymore."I said as I hug her.

"Y/n.."Yuri said as she hugged me back. "Will you please give me a second chance?"I asked as I hold her hand.

"Of course..I never stopped loving you, I just stopped showing it.."Yuri said as I cried harder. "I won't let you go."I said as I kissed her hand.


Well..this story is actually,
55% true and 45% not.
But still, I hope you guys like it.

Don't let go of the person you love the most.


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