Cuddles C J.S

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I want cuddles


I'm Son Y/n, and I have a really lovely girlfriend named Choi Jisu or also known as Lia.

We have been together for 1 year now, and she is the most clingiest person I know.

Not that I hate it, but I find it sometimes uncomfortable. But for her I'll do anything.

It's currently Sunday, so we have nothing to do than just rest and sit around.

I was in my girlfriend's dorm, as I sat on the huge couch. "Y/n unnie, would you like something to drink?"Chaer asked as I just shake my head.

"No thanks, I'm fine chaer."I replied as I then felt a heavy body infront of me.

"Y/n-ie I miss you.."I already know who it is, because of her voice, it's Lia and I know she wants to. "Y/n-ie I want cuddles."Lia said as she looked at me with a pouting face.

"Lia, I don't feel like cuddling."I straightforwardly said as I saw the disappointment in lia's face.

Her smiling face turned into a frowning face as she sadly looked at me.

"We haven't saw each other in ages.."Lia said as she sat on my legs. "Lia, we saw each other yesterday, what do you mean ages?"I said as Lia's pout got bigger.

"For me it feels like ages! If you don't wanna cuddle than it's fine! Cuddle with your lovely Orwo then!"Lia shouted as she stumped out of the living room and onto her room.

"Yah! Orwo is a dog!" I shouted as then I heard a loud thud coming from her door. "Unnie, you messed up"Yuna said as I saw her drinking milk.

"Yah, don't drink so much milk. I don't want you to become more taller."I said as Ryujin nod, and took Yuna's milk and chugged it down.

"Unnie! My milk!"Yuna looked at her now empty glass of milk as Ryujin burped. "I don't want you to grow anymore, I feel like an ant standing next to you."Ryujin said as I just looked at them.

"Unnie, but you're not an ant, you're a monkey."Yuna said as she stick out her tongue clearly teasing Ryujin.

"Correction, pretty monkey. There is no other pretty monkey than me."Ryujin said.

"Y/n unnie aren't you going to comfort Lia unnie?"Chaer then popped out of nowhere as she pointed at lia's room.

"Sorry, I was just fascinated by their teasing."I said as I walked towards lia's room.

I tried to open the door but it's locked. I sighed as I knocked twice but still no answer.

" the door please."I said as I knocked again. "Go to your Orwo! She might want cuddles."Lia said as I sighed in frustration.

"But orwo is a dog."I mumbled as I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Having a hard time?"Yeji asked as I have her a weak nod.

"You know, there is always a spare key."Yeji said as she took out a spare key of Lia's room. "You sure she wouldn't be mad?"I asked as Yeji nodded.

"Very sure,"Yeji said as she gave me the key of Lia's room and patted my back before going to the living room.

I then opened the doorknob as I then saw lia, as I faced her back. She was laying down on her bed as she hugged the pillow that I gave her on her birthday.

I took a deep sigh as I closed the door and walked towards her. "Lia.."I said as I got no response.

"Lia, look I'm sorry."I said as I sat in her bed. "Sorry is not acceptable."Lia said in a cold voice as I just Chuckled.

"You know I'm not a fan of cuddles."I said as I layed beside her. "Yeah right."Lia responded as she gave me a bitter scoff.

"But for you, I'll give you tons of cuddles from now on ok? Don't be mad now."I said as lia suddenly faced me as she gave me her pouting face.

"Really?"Lia asked in her cute voice as I just pinched her cheeks and nod. "Promise?"Lia asked as she took out her pinky. "Promise."i said as we made a pinky promise.

"Now cuddle with me, I missed you"I said as I cuddled with lia, "that was supposed to be my line!"Lia shouted as I just smiled and placed my head on her head.


{[3rd Person's P.O.V]}

"They look so cute together"?? Squeeled as the looked at the 2 cuddling.

"Yah, shin Yuna. You're voice is so loud."?? Said as she slapped the youngers arm.

"Yeji unnie, Ryujin unnie is smacking me!"Yuna whined as Yeji just looked at the younger with her stern eyes.

"Because you're loud yuna-ya."Yeji then responded as the younger pouted.

"Guys I got popcorn!"Chaer shouted as she sprinted towards the others. "So are we just gonna watch them cuddle?"Chaer asked as she sat down looking at the sight of lia and Y/n cutely cuddling.

"Yes, Yes we are."Ryujin said as she sat down and ate the popcorn that Chaer made.

"Don't be loud guys, there is a beautiful scene infront of us."Yeji said as the others nodded.

*You have been slained.*

"Yuna!"They all shouted as Yuna just looked down while scratching her nape.

"Sorry, I forgot to mute it."Yuna stated as she showed a peace sign to the others.

"What are you guys doing?"Y/n asked the others as they all sprinted out of the doorway.

Yuna was then left alone as Yuna just stared at her unnie who was looking at her with a questioning face.

"Umm..I forgot that I need to do homework!"Yuna shouted as she sprinted in her room.

"Looked like they are looking at us while cuddling."lia said as Y/n nod."next time let's lock the door."Y/n said as she closed the door.

"Now let's continue our cuddling session!"Lia shouted as both of them cuddled.


I want cuddles..


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