Jealousy S Y.N

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How could I handle your jealousy. I comfort you, you push me away. I say sorry you say Sorry is not enough. All I wanted to say is your the one.


Im Lin Y/n and I have a jealousy Girlfriend. I don't know why but she is always jealous, If it's not with her friends it's with a stranger.

I mean I kinda get her 'cause I was a play girl back then but I changed!, I changed.

I changed for Yuna. I really like her, Thats why I changed. She told me If I wont change she won't accept me.

I wake up really early and did my morning routine. I walked to the kitchen and cooked for my breakfast.

Wondering why? I make my breakfast not my mom or my dad. Well, they work day and night and we hardly have time for each other so I always do my breakfast.

I ate my breakfast and FaceTime Yuna.

"Yuna-yah."I said in a sweet voice.

"Why so early Y/nn"Yuna said while scratching her eyes.

"Don't scratch it or it will get infected."I said as I take a big scoop of rice.

"Ok..But why are you calling me early in the morning."Yuna asked.

"Its not early Yuna."I said."It's now 6:15 45 minutes before school."I said.

Yuna spring up on her bad As she quickly bid goodbye.

I finished my food and washed the dishes.

I walked to Yuna's dorm and saw lights flashing everywhere.

"Ahh..I wish Yuna can wake up early."I sighed as I wait at the front gate.


It's now 30 minutes and I took a quick peek on Yuna's dorm.

Suddenly the door opened revealing a panting Yuna.

"Yah! Shin yuna why are you panting??!"I said as I rub her back.

"No time to talk lets go."Yuna said as she dragged me to the school.

We ran to the streets not caring what people think.

We arrived and saw Eunbi unnie looking at the girls attire and see is there appropriate or not.

"Ok You pass. Hey why are your skirts so short! stay here."Eunbi unnie said as she pulled 2 girls by her side.

I sneak up to eunbi unnie and scared her making her stick land on my head.

"Yahh..that hurts.."I said as I rub my head.

"That's why you shouldn't scare the school president."Eunbi unnie said as she points me her stick.

I put my hand out signaling that I surrender as she looks at me up then down.

"You pass Lin Y/n but next time, Dont scare me."Eunbi unnie said as she whisper at me.

"now go get your jealous girlfriend or Yeji will punish you."Eunbi unnie said as she signaled me to go.

I looked for Yuna and saw her stomping to the main entrance of the school.

I ran up to her to stop her but she didn't, she ignored me.

"Hey.. Don't be jealous. You know mine and Eunbi unnie's relationship are just sisters."I said as I go in front of her.

"Just don't Y/n, I'm not in the mood."Yuna said as she go to her classroom leaving me behind.

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