Thoughts S R.J

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"Im Hwang Y/N or im also known as the Ice girl.

"You wanna know why?

"I haven't talked to anyone at school except for my sister Hwang Eunbi or also known as Sinb.

"Well im actually not like this I became like this because ive been bullied at a young age and after that i couldn't socialize with people around me.

"They call me week and they also call me weird.

"and after that I moved to a new school which is the school im attending to right now.

"I was on my way to the school with my unnie beside me at our car.

"I was listening to music when my unnie suddenly tapped me making my head turn to her and removed my earphones to hear what her saying.

"Unnie what is it?

I asked.

"Did you know about the transfer?

She asked.

"No why and why would I be interested in that im not hat kind of girl though?

"I mean yeah your right but dont fall for the new kid alright?

She asked raising her left eyebrow.

"yeah yeah what ever you say.

"Mam we already arrived.

The driver said.

"Both of us excited the car and ofc all the students whispered while we were exciting the car but we already got used to it.

"While walking to our respective classroom's someone suddenly bump into me.

"I starred at the one who bumped into me and it was a girl a girl with black hair.

"The hair was covering the girls hair but she didnt say sorry.

"I walked up to her and just starred at her.

"Why didn't you said sorry?

I asked her with my deep voice.

"then she looked at me she was really pretty and cute but has a badass aura around her.

"You bumped onto me first?!?!

she shouted.

"I chuckled for a bit and then realising a sigh.

"You've got guts dont you?

I said.

"Well im letting you go for now but the next time we meet we will see whose the boss?

I said with a smirk.

"I patted her head since im a little bit taller than her and after that left.

****Ryujin's P.O.V****

"I was going on a tour with my friends but someone suddenly bumped into me.

"I chuckled and smirked while looking at her with a glare while she does the same.

"She walked up to me.

"Why didnt you say sorry?

she said with her deep voice.

"I never knew someone this pretty with a deep voice but her aura pisses me off usually thats my aura but it revolves around her.

"But you bumped onto me  first!!

I said while shouting.

"You've got guts dont you?

She said.

IZ*ONE & ITZY (One Shots) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now