Coffee K H.W

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So this is how we met.


I'm Han Y/n and I live in seoul, I'm a college student so that means, coffee.

Coffee is my Bestfriend, actually, not just my bestfriend, because of coffee I met my girlfriend, Kang Hyewon.


It was Monday morning, which means another week to get busy, as usual I woke up really early and did my morning routine.

I sprinted out of my apartment, as I walked towards my favourite coffee shop. "Y/n! Your here."Yena said as she ruffled my hair.

"Unnie, did you already order yet?"I asked as I placed down my bag and my laptop.

"No I haven't, I was actually about to order when you came."Yena unnie said as she got up. "Let's order first."Yena unnie said as I nod my head.

We walked towards the counter being greeted by, Elkie. Elkie is one of the workers here, and she is the one who always serves us our drinks, and Because of that we became close.

"Oh hey there, so your gonna order the same thing?"Elkie asked as she tapped on the desk waiting for our answer. "Yes please"Yena unnie said as I pay attention to the menu.

"You added something new Today,"I said as Elkie looked up. "Oh yeah, it was actually added yesterday."Elkie said as I just gave
Her a weak nod.

"Then should I get the new one? I'm just going to taste it."I stated. "Ok one caramel frappuccino."Elkie wrote down our orders as we handed her our cards.

She told us to wait as we headed back to our table. "Y/n, you're wearing the shirt your mom gave you."Yena unnie said as I looked at my shirt.

"Uhmm, I just missed her, so I decided to wear it today."I said as I have unnie a smile.

"Unnie, I have to go to the bathroom."I said as Yena unnie nod. "Don't do weird things in the bathroom."Yena unnie stated as I looked at her and laughed.

"I'm not like you Unnie."I said as I walked away, hearing Yena unnie shouting my name. I walked towards the sink as I looked myself in the mirror.

"Hmmm, I'm not beautiful, but I'm not ugly, I'm in the middle."I said as I looked at myself.

I washed my hands and fixed my shirt, I then walked towards our table again when I suddenly felt a watery substance, on my shirt.

My eyes were closed as I just sighed and opened it and saw a pretty girl infront of me.

I looked down at my now wet shirt as I smelled it, "coffee.."I mumbled as I sighed in frustration. And looked at her.

She was looking down as I can hear  a faint sorry. "Sorry.. I'm really sorry.."The girl mumbled as I just ruffled my hair and clicked my tongue.

"Watch were your going,"I said in a clearly angry voice as I sighed and put my hair back. "Yah! Han Y/n we're late?!"Yena unnie shouted as I looked at my watch and saw that 5 minutes left before school starts.

I left her as I grabbed my bag and my laptop and of course my frapp as we sprinted out of the coffee shop.

"Yah! Han Y/n, Mr. jung will be angry!"Yena unnie said as I just sighed as we sprinted harder.

We finally arrived as I saw Mr.Jung checking the attendance. "Well, Choi, and Han. As you know I hate people who are late. For that you have detention, later"Mr. jung said as we just sighed.

"Y/n, you smelled like coffee."Yena unnie said as I just sighed. "Don't even talk about it."I stated as I heard the door open.

It was the girl I met before, she was panting hard as I saw Mr. jung sighing and told that girl that she has detention.

"Tsk, you deserve that."I mumbled as I listened to the discussion.


It was now dismissal, and as Mr. jung said. "DETENTION!" Yeah I have detention.

I sat at my seat as I saw Yena unnie looking at the girl, "yah, don't you thing that girl looks cute?"Yena unnie asked as I just stared at her uninterested.

"Yah! Why do you look like your not interested?"Yena unnie said. "Because I'm not interested"I said as I just rolled my eyes and smelled my shirt.

"I swear to God..I smell horrible.."I stated as I put on a grumpy face. "Oh btw, how did you get coffee on you?"Yena unnie asked as I stared t the girl in the front.

"Because of her."i said as I pointed at her. "Huh?"Yena unnie asked clearly not getting what I said.

"She spilled coffee on me."I said as I took a deep sigh. "Hey, I'm sorry for what happened earlier."Someone cutted us of as I looked at my front it was the girl.

"Tsk, if you would buy me a new shirt, then I would accept your apology."I stated as yena unnie elbowed me.

"Aren't you being harsh on her?"Yena unnie whispered as I just looked at her.

"Sorry for my friend's bad behavior, she is on her red day-" "shut up duck, anyways, fine I accept you apology."I said as I sighed.

"Really?! Then..can I atleast, give you free coffee maybe tomorrow?"She said.

"I'm not free, me and Yena-" "she's free tomorrow,"Yena unnie cutted me off by putting her hand on my lips.

I slapped her hand and I saw the girl smiled. To be honest she is pretty, to pretty. "So you can call it a date?"Yena unnie asked as my eyes widened.

"Yah choi-" "if she wants if to be a date, then it can be."She said as Yena unnie slapped my arm and squeeled.

"Yah! It hurts.."I said as I rubbed my arm. "I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Hyewon, Kang Hyewon."She said as she asked for a handshake.

"I'm Y/n, Han Y/n."I said as I accepted the handshake. " to look good together.."Yena unnie said while giving us finger hearts.

"I'll tell yuri-" "your saying to much Han,"Yena unnie cutted me off she she put her hand on my mouth.

"I'll consider it as a date."Hyewon said as she smiled at me brightly. "Ok then, maybe buy a me a new shirt, as well."I said as Yena unnie slapped me.

"Your asking to much."Yena unnie said as I just chuckled.


It's a lame chapter, I know.. HUHUHU, but hope you like it :>


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