Rivals J W.Y

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Rivals to lovers


Do you believe in the quote called "the more you hate, the more you love" well back then I don't believe in it, but now I believe in it.

I'm Kang Y/n a swimming athlete, I'm currently 17 and still in highschool.

My parents move alot so that means, many highschools, I don't know how to make friends because I know I have to leave them eventually, but this time, we are staying in Seoul permanently.

My dad is a CEO of a very famous clothing brand while my mom is a nurse, so whenever I get sick or have injuries Because of swimming my mom will take care of it.

It's actually my first time here, even though we move alot, but we move from country to country and our last stop is our home country.

It's going to be my first day here in my school called IZ highschool, and all the elderlies here say that, that school is the best when it comes to sports.

I looked at myself one more time at the big ass mirror infront of me as I let out a heavy ass sigh. "Kang Y/n..you can do it."I mumbled as I heard a knock.

"Ms.Kang we have to go now."My dad's Butler said as he bowed. I nod and grabbed my backpack and excited my room.

I walked downstairs as I saw my dad joking around with my older sister and Mom. "Oh Y/n! Eat first."Dad said as he signalled me to come over as I just obeyed.

I sat beside my sister as I just quietly ate a little breakfast. "Why are you quiet? Back then you usually joke around or something."Dad asked as I just shrugged my shoulders.

"She is in puberty stage dad, let this little puppy be."Hyewon unnie said as she pat my head and continued eating.

I looked at my watch as I saw that we have 20 minutes before class starts and we still have to get our schedules.

"Hyewon unnie, we have to go now."I said as I stand up and bowed at my parents, "ok then we will go now mom, dad."Hyewon unnie said as she also bowed.

"We will go now."I said as they replied. "Ok have fun and be safe.", We entered the car as I sighed and we exited our house.

"Why so gloomy?"Hyewon unnie asked. "It's just I'm not excited."I said as I stared outside. "Hey we are staying here for good, you have nothing to be afraid of."Hyewon unnie said as she hold my hand.

I smiled as dad's Butler told us that we arrived. We exited the car as we bid goodbye to Dad's Butler and walked towards the school.

A lot of people where staring at us as me and unnie just shrugged it off, people see us as cold and arrogant rich kids but we aren't what you expect.

Me and Hyewon unnie are close since we are just 1 year apart. We walked towards the faculty as a hard shoulder bump made me stop.

I looked at the person's back profile , as I scoffed. "Aren't you going to say sorry?"I asked as I was waiting for a sorry.

"Y/n, we have no time to fight."Hyewon unnie said as I sighed and nod. We were going to walk away when a hand was placed on my shoulder.

"You should be the one saying sorry."I high toned voice said as I looked at the person's hand and turned around.

She was shock and so as I, she was really tall as my height was just around her ear. I stared at her as I suddenly remembered a bunny.

"You look like a bunny."I mumbled as she her eyes suddenly became wide. "What did you say?"she asked as I just shake my head.

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