Wedding H Y.J

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I'm, Shin Y/n currently 22 and this is the day that I've been waiting for.

I've loved this girl named Yeji and she is my first and last, we met back then in highschool, I was always bullied but Yeji is always there for me.

This day, is going to be her wedding day, the best time of her life. I'm currently wearing a suit, since I'm not fond of dresses.

"Y/n unnie..You ready?"Ryujin asked me as I looked at myself in a big mirror.

"Give me 5 more minutes.."I said as Ryujin smiled. "The wedding is going to start soon, hurry"Ryujin said as I just nod.

I stared at myself as I kept thinking, "is it going to be alright?"I mumbled as I massaged my temple.

"Everything is going to be as planned Y/n..You better not ruin it."I mumbled as I sighed and fixed my tux.

I got out of the room as I saw Ryujin wearing the same tux as me but with a different aura.

She smiled at me as I smiled at her as well. "Unnie, everything will be ok."Ryujin said as she pat my shoulder.

Ryujin is one of my Bestfriend's aswell. And we are the duo that everybody called 2shin.

We are not blood related, but we are connected, Ryujin is actually my happy pill, and I'm lucky to have her.

We entered my car as I told my driver to go, the church was actually really near the hotel we were staying at.

And all I can say is the church was really beautiful, I looked at my car window as I saw the leaves dancing.

I sighed as I heard a chuckle from Ryujin. "Unnie, don't be nervous, be happy today."Ryujin said as she elbowed me as I just laugh.

"Your right, thanks ryu."I said as our driver told us that we already arrived.

I sighed as I opened the door of the car and saw the front door of the church. Ryujin smiled at me as she opened the door and we entered.

We walked to our designated seats as I saw Yeji standing beside the altar.

She looked so beautiful, as she waited for her bride, Lia. I never told my true feelings for Yeji, because in the beginning I know that she already liked Lia, so what's the point of saying.

Yeji looked at me as she was smiling ear to ear, as I just gave her a faint smile.

"Unnie, you alright?"Ryujin asked as she pat my shoulder. "Who wouldn't, it's my Bestfriend's wedding I should be happy."I said as I felt a liquid substance flowing down my cheeks.

The door opened as a beautiful young women stand beside her mother and father, she was smiling, Same smile that Yeji has.

They walked slowly as applause surrounds them, I clapped my hand slowly as I looked at both of them.

I have to admit, it hurts, it really does, having strong feeling for someone and you couldn't even tell them, just sucks.

Lia finally reached Yeji as I saw both of them crying. Lia's father congratulated Yeji as I can hear lia's father saying. "Take care of her, she is fragile." As Yeji only replied. "I will"

Both of them stand at the altar as the priest said what he got to say. Both of them exchanged vows as i smiled at both of them.

They looked so happy as they looked at each other and put on their rings. 

"You may now kiss the bride,"The priest said as both of them kissed. "Wooh!!! Both of them are my Bestfriend!!"I shouted making Ryujin shocked.

Tears are flowing in my eyes as i breakdown and cried at ryujin's shoulder.

I hugged Ryujin as she kept comforting me, "I thought I can handle the pain! I promised myself that I would be happy for them, while I'm hear crying down while seeing them exchange vows."I said as I hugged Ryujin tighter.

"Unnie, it's fine I'm here.."Ryujin said as she cupped my face and wiped my tears.

"I've loved you unnie..but your to dense!"Ryujin said as she slapped my shoulder.

"Wait what?!"I said as I wiped my tears and laughed at her. "I'm joking unnie."Ryujin said as she laughed.

"Let's just hope for them to last, and be happy."Ryujin said as she made me look at them looking happy while taking pictures.

"Your right.."I said as is smiled and wiped my tears. "Ok Yeji and Lia's Bestfriend's come over for a photo."the photographer said as he signalled us to come.

"Y/n! Ryujin! Chaer! Yuna! Come here for a picture!!"Yeji shouted making us laugh.

I walked towards them as put my hands on ryujin's shoulder. "Hey did you enjoy?"Lia asked us as I just nod.

"Ey I guess Ryujin unnie already confessed to Y/n unnie, 2shin-" "Ey!! The photographer is waiting let's take a picture."Ryujin cutted Yuna off as Ryujin grabbed my hand and placed me beside Yeji.

"Ok then 1, 2, 3 Itzy!" all of us shouted as the photographer took a photo of us.

I smiled as all of them said we have to take a wacky photo. So all of us put our goofy face on as the photographer said. "I, 2, 3, Itzy!"he shouted as he take a picture of us.

"I hope your happy now Yeji"I said as Yeji hugged me. "Thank you Y/n"Yeji said as she smiled at and let go.

"Don't ruin the mood miss Shin."Ryujin said as she elbowed me. "Hey your a Shin aswell, and I'm now happy for them."I said as I smiled at her.

"I'm now happy.."I said as I headlock Ryujin. "Yah! Shin Y/n!!"Ryujin said as she hugged my waist. "I'm older!"I said as I let go. Ryujin fixed her tux as she was about to shout while I covered her mouth.

"Stop, I already put my feelings aside."i said as I smiled at them.


If your happy with another person now, I'll try to be happy for you aswell..


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