Missletoe C Y.N

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Im Lin Y/n im a Junior in Y/HS, and I really like a senior of mine and her name is Choi Yena.


I woke up and saw that its already 6:10. 50 more minutes before school starts.

I ran off to the bathroom and showered for 10 to 15 minutes. I changed to my uniform and stormed out of my room.

"Y/n its already 6:35 you still have to eat!"My mom shout as I put on my coat and my shoes.

"No time mom I...Have to go!"I shouted as I ran off to my school.

I sprinted the streets and after some minutes I finally arrived.

They were about to close the gate as I said wait and they looked at me.

I bowed to Ms.Kang and entered the school. I saw minju,Hii-chan,Nako-chan and yuri already waiting for me in the entrance.

I sprinted towards them but then *tud*I fell.

My eyes where closed as I felt that my body is not reaching the tough ground instead, and body.

I opened my eyes and saw the one and only...Choi YENA!?!

She was starring at me while I stared back. I realize that she is the one laying on the ground making it hard for her.

I stand up and help her us aswell, and after that I take a long bow.

"Im really sorry sunbaenim."I said as I bowed."Oh..hehe its alright no need to say sorry I was actually facing the wrong direction."Yena sunbaenim said patting my shoulder.

"But s-still sunbaenim are you alright? dose anything hurt?"I asked."Oh no I'm fine but next time be careful dont call me sunbaenim just call me unni Y/n."

"O-oh alright then Sun-I mean unnie Im sorry again but I-Ill get going now."I said and bowed again.

I ran to my friends while my cheeks are burning."Woah Y/n you alright?"Minju unnie asked.

"Im alright Unnie."I said as I smiled."Nice move there Y/n"Yuri Unnie said and they all teased me.

"Its just an accident unnie."I said and walked towards my classroom.

Our teacher entered the classroom while we greet her.

"Ok class On Friday we will have a Big Christmas party for the Juniors and Seniors here on Friday, I know its sudden but you still have time to prepare."Ms.Bae said while all of them cheered.

So that means Yena Unnie will be there?!?! Oh no! I cant I'm to afraid to encounter her.

Because of what happened earlier who wouldn't be afraid to encounter yena unnie, But still she will be there and I will see her.

It will be her last year here and I've been admiring her since I was just a freshman. I was really into her but I've never had the courage talking to her.

It will be worth a shot to talk to her and maybe confess.

It was now the D-Day that the party is going to happened. It was scheduled at 5pm. we have to get gifts to our selected partners and Yena unnie is what I got.

My gift for her Is A duck hoodie,Duck wallet and a costom made bracelet with a confession letter.

what can I do? I like Yena unnie alot.

I was in my cute duck hoodie and jeans and a coat, I walked towards the auditorium and heard loud music and a lot of food, a really big tree which has gifts under it.

I placed My gift on a side and saw my friends on the front door entering. I wave at them and finally they saw my presence.

"Ohh~~ whats with that duck hoodie Y/n?"Nako-chan asked."Well I just thought I should ware it today so why not?"I said.

"Sure sure Y/nn"Hii-chan said as they all laughed along.

We started some mini games and the they started to do the paper game.

I was In yena unnie's group and I'm next to her...

Its finally her turn to pass me the paper. At first I hesitated but I have to.

I lean In and Yena unnie lean's in aswell...when..the...paper...fall...

The paper fall!! I quickly stopped my pace and looked at her with shocked eye's.

"Im sorry unnie I didn't imidietly catch the paper I'm sorry"I said as I bowed.

"Its ok Y/n, Its fine. and Y/n I like your duck hoodie I really like ducks."Unnie said looking at my hoodie.

We shared eye contact when the other team screamed and yes they won.

"It's ok guys we did our best!!"Yena unnie shouted and all of us screamed

After some more games its now time for the exchange gift. everybody stand up and go to there exchangers.

I got my gift and I tried to find Yena unnie. I looked around and when I finally saw her, she is also holding her gift.

I walked towards her and surprisingly she did the same."Yena Unnie" "Y/n" We both spoke at the same time as we stopped in front of each other.

"Here"We both said and laughed. She took the gift as I take mine.

"Woah?!"Yena said as she opened the box."A duck Hoodie that looks like yours!"Yena unnie said as she took the hoodie off the box.

I smiled at her and take a look at yena unnie's box and saw a really cute Dog pajamas,and a box.

I took out a box and so those yena. I opened it and saw a letter inside it just as mine's.

I looked at what's inside the box and saw a cute necklace with My nickname.

I read out the letter and it says

Dear Y/n
        I know that we never talked before but since that accident I felt relieved. I finally talked to my crush. I dont want you to have the same feelings towards me but if you ill be really happy. I liked you since your freshman year but never have the courage to tell you but now. I finally do. I hope you liked the dog pajama and the necklace.


I looked up to yena as she did the same. I put all the things on the side and walked up to her.

"I-I never knew you felt the same"I said."Neither did I"Yena said.

I hugged her as Something ringed above us. I looked up and saw a mistletoe. I looked around and saw yena's friends and mine ringing the mistletoe.

"well looks like we have to kiss."Yena unnie said as she looked at the mistletoe then me.

She wrapped her hands on my neck and slowly lean in. Our lips touched and the kiss was so sweet and passionate. she bit my lip asking for entrance and I gladly accepted it.

The tongue war started and it was fierce. I was running out of breath and so did Yena unnie. She slowly broke the kiss still connecting our foreheads together.

"Im glad that I get to kiss you under the mistletoe, My Y/n. Lets spend this Christmas together."Yena unnie said as she peck my lips again.

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