A day H Y.J

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Hi I'm Lim Y/n, I'm 21 now, a collage student at Seoul University and I have a girlfriend who I planned to be with for the rest of my life.

She's my cute little toothless but girl version and her name is Hwang Yeji.

We've been together for about 2 years now, we started dating at the age of 18. I met her at a cafe I was working at back then and I gotta be honest, I felt a spark.

She's my sunshine, you know the one who brings the light when you're surrounded be darkness?

But, she's gone now. And we are celebrating her 1st death anniversary. I remembered that day when I ignored her because she dares me to, but I didn't see it coming. That, that was her last day.


"Hey baby! I brought McDonald's."Yeji said as I bring down my laptop as I smiled at her.

It's Friday in the afternoon right now, as school just finished but there is still a lot of work to do.

I stretched my legs, back and arms as I stayed in the same spot for 30 mins clearly making my back hurt.

"Thank you"I said in a cute voice while Yeji patted my in the head."so what should we do now?"I asked as I took a big bite at my big Mac.

"Let's just watch Netflix?"Yeji said as I nod. I closed my laptop as I start the big tv in front of us.

"Let's watch anime, I know a great one."Yeji then suggested as I was getting ready to search it.

"Promise Neverland."Yeji said as I nod while typing the title. We got into a comfy spot as I started the anime.

At first it was just a nice and cute scenes but the more the episodes we watch the more it got creepier.

"I didn't know you we're into this kind of stuffs.. it's weird."I stated while Yeji just gave me a chuckle.

"Do you want coffee? Tea?"Yeji asked. "I want you."I said as I smiled creepily.

"Stop it, so what do you want?"Yeji asked one more time. "Why are you being nice all of a sudden? But I want coffee please."I said.

"Nothing, I'll make you coffee."Yeji said as I nod.

10 minutes had passed when Yeji returned with 2 coffee's in her hand as I resumed the anime.

"Thank you."I whispered as I felt the awkward tension rise. "Y/n, I wanna challenge you."Yeji said as she tucked my sleeve.

"Hmm? What kind of challenge?"I asked as Yeji was clearly hesitating. "I challenge you to live a day without me."Yeji said as I almost spit my coffee as I looked at her.

"Hell nah."I said while I put down my coffee. "Why? It's easy."Yeji said as I still refused. "Nope, no, ayaw."I said as I saw Yeji laugh.

"I'll give you your favorite chocolate and lots of kisses."Yeji said as I was still hesitating. "I know that you won't stop until I say yes."I said while my arms automatically crossed.

"Exactly."Yeji said. "Only for a day."I said as she nod. "Thank you."Yeji said as I felt my heart ache.

"You sounded like you're saying goodbye.."I looked at her as she chuckle. "no I'm not. Just do what you wanna do tomorrow ok? I have to go now."Yeji said her goodbye as she gave me a small Peck on the forehead.


I woke up really early as I did my morning routine, it's really different today's as I always check my phone and see if Yeji left a message in my inbox but there was none.

"Today's the day I'll spend time with my friends."I mumbled as I start my car and headed towards my location.

It was the small cafe we always go to with Yeji and  our other friends when we were in highschool.

"Oh hey Y/n, you didn't bring Yeji with you?"Chaeyeon unnie said as I looked down. "She dared me, to spend the time with you guys. And she didn't even text me goodmorning."I said in my sad voice as Chaeyeon unnie smiled at me.

"Well since we are all here now, why don't we enjoy ourselves? arcade? are you guys in?"Yujin suggested as we all nod, but the fact that I didn't even get a goodmorning text bothers me.

"Hey, stop thinking about it."Ryujin said as she grabbed my sleeve making me walk much more faster. "As if."I bluntly said as she just pinched my nose.

"Hey gays, go and have fun!"Ryujin shouted as I let out a small chuckle. We went our separate ways through this big arcade as all of them where having fun, while I'm quietly staring at my phone .

"Hey Y/n, come and have fun with us."Lia said as I quickly refused. "I'm good thank you, however can I be honest?"I asked as Lia nod.

"I feel like something's off. It's been 12 hours since her last chat, and It's bothering me."I said as Lia the nod while an awkward chuckle escaped her.

"uhmm-...Yeji is doing alright ok? don't think about it that much. Let's go now have some fun."Lia said as she patted my back ang pushed me to the claw machine.

Time has passed as I slowly forgot about worrying, but whenever I do my heart raise..Something's off.

"Hey, I'm gonna go home now."I said as all of them awwed. "I need to go."I said as I hurried out of the arcade and went straight to Yeji's house.

I ran and ran, as I continued bumping into random people on my way there. Rain started pouring as my eyes started to water. "Why did I even agree to this."I said as I sniffed as I'm almost there.

I arrived as I see Yeji's parent's car outside. I unlocked the gate as I knock on the door rapidly, hoping them to quickly answer.

"Yeji!"I Shouted as the cold breeze hit me. "Yeji!-" "Y/n.."Yeji's mom suddenly opened the door as I can see their eyes red.

"Auntie..Where's yeji?"I asked them as I received a small smile. My hands shivered as my eyes continued to water. "Please tell where's yeji.."I got on my knees as I begged them to tell me.

"I'm sorry Y/n..please get up."Yeji's dad said as he helped me stand up. "Yeji's gone now.."Yeji's mom said as my knees weakened.

"What? can you please repeat it?"I asked as Yeji's mom gave me a small smile. "Get up now, go to Yeji's room."Yeji's mom said as I straightened myself.

I ran to her room hoping her to surprise me. I opened the door but there was no Hwang yeji. Instead, a letter.

From: Hwang Yeji

To: My lovely Y/n.

Hi bebs, if you're receiving this now that means, I didn't make it. I have a heart decease, I'm sorry I couldn't tell you. You did a good job, surviving without me today, now do it everyday. I want you to focus on yourself, I'm sorry, I'm really proud of you my puppy. I love you.


If I only knew that'll be the last time we'll talk, I should've stayed longer.

Hewow, did you guys miss me??? I hope you did :<

I'm actually scared to publish this since, it's been a while, but here we go anyways.


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