Matter J W.Y

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(Bare with my grammatical errors, and my typo's. My left hand is currently injured as I'm writing this story, Thank you.) 

I'm not ready to die, Not yet.


"Smile, please smile." I said as I stared at the mirror in front of me as I tried to curve my mouth into a smile.

"There, much better." I mumbled as I smiled at myself. "Where are you going!" My mom shouted as I chuckled. "Why do you even care?! You don't own me." My dad said as he threw a spoon at my mom.

I walked out of the bathroom as I mumbled. "I'll get going now." 

A regular day, I guess. I walked around the alleyways as I head towards the bus stop. I sat at the bench while I quietly stare at people laughing in front of me.

The bus stopped in front of us as people slowly fill in the bus. I stood up and walked towards the door.

I opened my wallet as I saw nothing, No money and I forgot my card. I bitterly chuckled as I walked out. 

"Guess who's walking, me." I mumbled while I looked at the bus already leaving. "I should get going now." I mumbled as I scratched my non so itchy nape.

You might be wondering who am I? well a nobody to be precise. My life, nothing much, I'm a depressed kid who pretends to be happy that's all.

I walked through the noisy streets as I get nearer my school. "Hey, Ms.Son you're late again, for the 3rd time this week, I would like to talk to your parents." Ms. Bae said as I bowed.

"Hey! Y/n! you skipped first class, that's not you." Wonyo said as I laugh. "Ohh..I overslept."I said as She nod then gave me her spare milk.

"Huh? what's this?" I asked her as she pat my back. "Just drink it." Wonyo said as I laughed. "I'm not hungry-" *growls* "Not hungry right?" Wonyo said while I awkwardly laugh. "How tf-" "Just drink it." Wonyo said as I smiled and nod. 

"Thank you." I mumbled shyly while I stared at the milk wonyo gave me. "Drink it, class will start soon." Wonyo said while I stared at her.

The class started, everything was going well but then. "May I excuse Ms. Son to the principal's office?" Ms. Bae said as I chuckled, "Unnie?" Wonyo said as she looked at me worriedly. 

"I'll be back." I said as I proceeded walking to the principal's office, I entered and all I can hear was pure silence.

"I would like to talk to your parents." The principal bluntly said while I stare at her, knowing that I'll just get more trouble. 

"I'll, change promise, just please don't call my dad." I mumbled as I kneeled. "I'm sorry, rules are rules." The principal said as I smiled even though I'm in pain.

"Sure, go ahead." I said as I walked out of the office and walked out of the campus. There was a peaceful park nearby as I slowly walked towards it.

"Still peaceful." I mumbled. I stared at the birds who are quietly playing. "Look at them, they're so happy." I mumbled while I suddenly heard a vibration.

"Mom?" I mumbled as I answered the phone.        

"Why are you calling me?" I asked as I can hear mom's voice shaking. "Y/n, I'm sorry..But I can't take it anymore, I'm breaking up with your dad." Mom said as I felt My heart break.

"W-well..uhmm good for you." I said while faking a chuckle. "I'm sorry-" "Don't even say those words to me." I said while I punched my chest.

"Y/n you don't understand-" "I do understand, stop treating me like a child who knows nothing, You cheated! that's why our family became like this!" I shouted through my phone making my mom shocked.

"To you guys! I'm nothing! you don't even consider my feelings.. as your child, it hurts more, seeing my parents cheat at each other and act clueless! I don't matter to you guys.." I said as I quickly ended the call. "I guess this park Isn't even peaceful.

I cried as I feel so done, I don't care anymore, I'm done I'm sorry. I ran and ran not caring where my feet lands, bumping into random people not caring If I look a mess right now.

"Why!" I shouted as I felt my lungs tightened while my legs shakes. My legs finally gave up as I couldn't feel it anymore.

I was at a train track, my legs gave up as I kneeled while I look at the pebbles below me. I can hear the train from the distance, It's scaring me.

"Why am I experiencing this? why please tell me.." Tears flowed out of my eyes as I can sense eyes staring at me. 

I can hear the train horns as the track was continuously shaking. I finally saw the train that in now heading towards me while my eyes began to be blurry.

As the train was getting closer every second, reality hits me, I don't wanna die.. I don't want to.. help me.

People looked at me as none of them budge, I wanted to stand but I can't, I have no energy, no strength.

I already accepted my faith at this point, while a chuckle escape my mouth. I stared at the pebbles and rocks below me as I then see a light, a bright light, I'm ready to say goodbye.

*3rd Person's P.O.V*

Y/n gave up at that point, she feels like her life flash before her eyes. Nobody budge as strangers stared at a crying Y/n waiting to be saved.

"I accept my faith.." Y/n mumbled trying so hard to stop her tears. "Y/N!!!!" Someone then grabbed Y/n out of the train track on time.

They were both at the side while the train pass by them, people awwed as they slowly walked out of the scene(Society hayst)             

"I don't wanna die, not yet.." Y/n mumbled. "Why.." Y/n looked up as she heard the the voice, it was wonyo.

"They both stayed in silence while wonyo hugged Y/n tighter. "I'm sorry." Y/n apologized while wonyo just hugged her. 

"Hey, You were given a chance to live, why waste it Y/n? there are so many people who are by your side, please don't treat us like we don't exist." Wonyo mumbled at Y/n's ears while still hugging her.

"You matter." Wonyo said while Y/n cried in her arms. 2 words, but to Y/n those words means more.


To me you matter, Don't give up! >:(

If you're tired take a break, (Kitkat)     

Kiddings aside, If you're tired, take a break then fight again!

For me all of you guys matter, Smile.         


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