Attention C Y.N

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Seeking for your attention.


Seeking for someone's attention sucks, attention is always needed if you're in a relationship right?

I'm the kind of girl that seeks for attention. Everyday, every night, sometimes it's tiring it really is.

Another of seeking for my Girlfriend's attention pt.193840.

My ducky
Arf arf Y/n-ie

Goodnight ducky
Sent Sunday at 10:30 pm

You're still not done?
Sent Sunday at 10:44 pm

Rest well ducky,
Sent Sunday at 11:00 pm

I love you
Sent Sunday at 11:11 pm


When will you give me
Sent Monday 5:40 am

See you at school.
Sent Monday 6:03 am

I walked towards the gate of the school being greeted by my friend Minju with her girlfriend Chaewon.

And as usual skin ships. "Did you sleepwell Chaewonie?"Minju said as she clung on Chaewon's arms.

"Of course who wouldn't sleepwell if you're in my dreams."Chaewon unnie said as she kissed minju's forehead.

"eHeM"I faked coughed so they can sense my presence. "Oh..Y/n hehe"Chaewon unnie said as she scratched her neck.

"So how's your sleep?"Minju asked as I just shrugged. "Hmm..I don't know actually. Yena Didn't text me back, maybe she's busy or something."I said as I lowered my head.

"Still asking for attention aren't you?"Chaewon unnie asked as she placed her arm around my shoulder.

"Yeah.. it's hard.."I said as I sighed and smiled. "But still she's busy, I understand her."I said as I walked towards my classroom as I left 2kim behind.

"That kid never learns."Chaewon unnie mumbled as I didn't quite understand it. I sat on my seat hopelessly as I looked at a big window beside me.

"HAHAHA, we should hang out again sometimes Hyewon."A familiar voice said as I clearly know who this is.

"Oh Hi there baby."Yena unnie said as she sat beside me. "Hi unnie."I plainly replied.

"Hey something wrong?"Yena unnie asked as she Pat my head. "Nope, everything's alright."I said as I looked away.

"Oh..ok then, by the way, I have this group project and I think I can't talk to you for some days but I'll try my best."Yena unnie said as she hugged me.

"Oh you don't have to, I understand you."I plainly said as I broke our hug and stared at the window one more time before our teacher entered our class.


"Ok you may go now, class dismissed."Ms.Bae said as I packed my bag and exited my classroom.

"Y/n! Wait!"Yena unnie shouted as she ran towards me as I stopped my track. "Hmm? Why?"I asked as I saw a panting duck infront of me.

"Let-me-take-you-ho-" "you don't have to, I can manage."I cutted Yena unnie as I faintly smile and walked off.

"Tsk, she should've insisted."I said annoyed as I walked at the crowded streets of Seoul. I sighed as I looked around.

I finally arrived home as I heard the bush rustling, "who's that.."I mumbled as I slowly looked back.

I was about to swing my bag when I heard a scream. "Yah! It's me!"Yena unnie said as she covered her head.

" are you doing here unnie?"I asked as I sighed in relief. "I just want to know if you got home safe..hehe."Yena unnie said as she scratched her head.

"Oh yeah, wanna come inside?"I asked as Yena unnie quickly refuse. "No, it's alright."Yena unnie said as she nervously chuckled.

"Oh sure."I said irritatedly as I sighed. "Group project?"I asked while Yena unnie just lowly nod.

"You should go now."I said coldly as I opened my door. "Y/n-ie please understand."Yena unnie suddenly said as I gripped tightly in my door Knob.

"Understand what? That you're busy? Oh I understand, but the thing that I don't understand is, why can't you find time for me, just little time."I said still facing door.

"You don't even have lunch with me anymore, you don't text me Goodmorning, Goodnight. I know that I'm just a burden to you, so why not end it?"I said biting my lip trying my hardest not to cry.

"Come on Y/n.. I'm sorry,"Yena unnie said as she tried to hug me but I refused. "Why say sorry if you don't even mean it?"I said as I finally had the courage to look at her.

"I'm tired, tired of squeezing myself in to you. Tired of telling you to give me your attention, tired of hearing you say sorry."I said while my head slowly go down.

"Why do I have to ask for your attention if you can't give it to me."I said. "I'm so-" "for the last fucking time, Don't say sorry."I shouted making Yena unnie walk back.

"If you really want to give me attention you should've done it."I mumbled as.

"I'm selfish aren't I? Seeking for your attention, ordering you to give me attention, forcing you to give me attention. But unnie, I'm tired."I said as I wiped my tears.

"Let's end it, I know that I'm just squeezing myself to you. Have fun unnie."I mumbled as I entered my house and locked the door.

"Let's get some rest, I'm tired.."I said as I sobbed harder.


Hai, it's been awhile and I
Wanna say sorry, I've been busy
And I forgot to update, Gomen!


Seeking for your attention is hard.


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