Lucky Fan L C.R

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I'm her biggest fan, And I finally get to see her.


"Finally!"I said as I looked at the really big building in front of me.

"I'm going to meet Itzy."I said as I lined up with the other midzy's. I forgot to introduce myself.

Im Jang Y/n and Im 17 years old, I'm a really big fan of itzy and as you can see I'm a chaeryeong stan.

I supported her since she was just in Kpop star, I really liked her swag moves with her sister Chaeyeon.

I lined up as I hold my album, I looked behind as I saw a really long line behind me.

It's currently 3:00pm and it will start at 3:30pm, the line got shorter as the others already entered the venue.

I entered being greeted with a really cold breeze. I got up the stairs and entered the venue.

I sat in the 2nd row as the ones with big cameras at the back, I sighed as my hands strated to tremble.

I brought every Itzy members gifts and the gifts are Rabbit moving ears.

I bought it in every color and I think it will suit all of them. Members then entered the venue as Midzy's scream there lungs out.

because of the nervousbess I couldn't even shout, My feet and hands tremble as I just stared at them.

"All in us, Hello we are Itzy."They greeted as the fan meet started.

The first fan got up the stage as itzy greeted her, I stared at chaeryeong as I just smiled.

Chaeryeong and I made eye contact as I was mesmerized by her beautiful eyes.

She smiled at me as I just smiled and looked away, I glanced at chaeryeong as I saw her face disappointed.

Many fans got there turn and Finally its my turn. I slowly got up the stage as I sighed and greeted the first itzy member which is Yeji unnie.

"Hello, Yeji unnie."I said as I smiled. I saw Yeji smiled at me and leaned closer and pinched my cheek.

"Hello what's your name?"Yeji unnie said as she signed her pictures and looked at me.

"My name is Y/n."I said as I bowed."Oh, your really polite."Yeji unnie said as she cutely smiled at me.

"Oh unnie I have a gift for you."I said as I hand her a blue rabbit moving ears.

"Oh its so cute!"Yeji unnie sqeeled as she get the rabbit moving ears.

I then continued on to the other members as the last one is Chaeryeongie.

I quietly faced her as she just stared at me. I chuckled as she got back to her sense.

"O-Oh, H-Hello."Chaeryeong stutter as I found it really cute. I bowed as My feet trembles.

"I-Im Y/n."I said as Chaeryeong smiled at me as I hand her the album.

"Your the one who was staring at me am I right Y/n?"Chaeryeong said as I slightly nod.

"So who is your bias?"Chaeryeong asked as she looked at me directly at the eyes.

"U-Umm.. It's actually You."I said as I scratched my nape. "Oh really!"Chaeryeong said as she jumped out of her seat.

"Oh sorry, I-I just, nevermind."Chaeryeong said as she hold my hands.

I was startled as I hold her hand aswell "You know Y/n Your hands perfectly fits in my hands."Chaeryeong said as i felt my cheeks burning.

"I-It actually doe-" " Ma'am your times up."Chaeryeong's manager said as I looked down.

"Oppa! just 10 more minutes."Chaeryeong begged as she still holds my hands.

"No no no times up."Her manager said as I gave her my gift and bowed.

I returned to my sit as I can see Chaeryeong still looking at me while pouting.

"Its ok,"I mouthed as she shook her head."No it's not I wanna spend time with you."Chaeryeong mouthed as I was shocked upon hearing it.

"I-It's fine we can hangout sometime."I mouthed as she pouted. She suddenly smiled as she points at my album.

I opened the album as I saw Chaeryeongs number. My mouth opened as I was shocked.

I looked at chaeryeong as she signaled to call her later when the fan meeting stops.

The fan meeting stops as they removed the table, Itzy then danced to dalla dalla and itzy as I can always see Chaeryeong looking at me.

Itzy then got off the stage as thy ran around the venue. Midzy's shouted as There manager tried to stop them.

I laughed at the sight of them running around like kids.

They soon got on the stage as they pant abd they bid goodbye to us. We got out of the venue as I remembered chaeryeongs number.

I dialed the number hoping Chaeryekng to answer, Chaeryeong then answered the phone as I heard a soft hello.

"It's me Y/n."I said as i can hear Chaeryeong squeling over the phone.

"Meet me at xxx Cafe."Chaeryeong said as I replied ok. I got a cab to xxx Cafe and when I got there I saw Chaeryeong siting with her mask on.

"Hey, I said as I entered the cafe and greeted her. Chaeryeong ran to me and hugged me tightly.

It felt like we have been friends before, really close friends.

"Why do you want to meet?"I asked as Me and Chaeryeong take a seat.

"I just want to hangout."Chaeryeong said as she softly smiled at me.

"Y/n do you believe in love at first sight?"Chaeryeong asked. "Yeah I believe in it."I said as I remembered the day I first saw Chaeryeong on Tv.

"Me to, But who made you love at first sight?"Chaeryeong asked as I just stayed silent.

"Ok let's say it together 3, 2, 1," Chaeryeong said as she take a deep breath and,,

"You" We both said in unison. My eyes widened as I saw her pointing at me.

"I fell in love at first sight wih you Y/n."Chaeryeong said as she holds my hand.

"I know it's sudden but I really fall in love wiht you."Chaeryeong confessed as she tightly hold my hands.

"O-Oh.. But you don't know me that well."I said.

"We can start off by introducing ourselves."Chaeryeong said.

"O-Oh, Im jang Y/n im 17?"I said as Chaeryeong laugh. "Im Lee chaeryeong and im 18."Chaeryeong said as she offered a handshake.

"It's our 1st day right Y/n."Chaeryeong said as I shake her hand."Yes it's our first day."I said as we both laughed.

Lucky Fan

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