Game or Me M S.K.R

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"Its been awhile since I saw my Girlfriend Kkura and I thought they finished there schedule like a month ago.

"And i forgot to introduce myself im Choi Y/N and i have a girlfriend named Miyawaki Sakura but I call her Kkura and she is addicted to gaming.

"And sometimes I wonder what is much important me or her games.

"When we are together she is always on her phone playing games bit even bothering asking me if im alright or hows my day and its kinda UPSETTING.

"i texted yena unnie to ask if they finished there schedule and they said it already ended a month ago.

"So i became curious if they ended there schedule and sakura didn't even visited me...She is on her games again.

"At the thought of sakura choosing her games over me made me tear up,since or relationship started at first we are sweet but after she got her Game console she started Ignoring me and when I ask her why she is ignoring me she will push me away.

"I stand up and grabbed my car keys and headed to IZ*ONE's dorm.

"Since there is a car crash it delayed the time I was suppose to go there but after 30 minutes I finally arrived.

"I rang the doorbell and It was opened by yena.

"Oh Y/N!!! What are you doing here??

Yena asked showing her duck lips.

"Well im the one supposed to ask that your dorm is on the other floor but why are you here?

I asked and Yena chuckled looked down.

"Yuri's mad at me for not visiting her Often because I always hang out with saku chan in the game room...But we made up so no biggie but why are you here?

Yena asked.

"I was here for sakura.

I said with a straight face and I can see yena with a worried look.

"Maybe because I never call Kkura Sakura but when I call her sakura things are about to happen.

"Because when I call her Sakura that means I am really angry at her and all IZ*ONE members know what I can do if im mad at sakura.

"O-Oh w-what do y-you want w-with s-saku chan.

Yena looked down.

"To talk..and where is she..

I said with a cold expression.

"I-In the game r-room.

Yena said and I walked directly to the game room.

"I saw her screaming and saw NO!! and maybe I thought she lost.

"I opened the door and saw her mad and looking directly at the screen.


I said and she looked at me for a second and back to the game.


I said but no response.


I shouted and she looked at me shocked.

"How many times do you want me to call your name and for you to REALIZE that Im here?!?!

I shouted and my knee's already gave up.

"I-I never wanted you to notice me but im your Girlfriend!! your GIRLFRIEND!!! Sakura..Sakura ive had enough..Ive had enough for the first time in my life ive been treated this way you ignored my text you ignored my calls and when ever I ask you why are you ignoring me you just push me away..

I said crying while not looking at her.

"You should've said in the first place that you cant PRIORITIZE me im always there for you and your hard time but when that day y-you finally got your game console you made me look like and OPTION it hurts it really hurts and I-I cant take it anymore pick me or your game...

I said looking at her and she was crying aswell.


i shouted making her shocked but she didn't reply making my heart turn into pieces.

"I think you chose your G-Game but l-lets b-break up.

I said and was about to go out but she back hugged me.

"No!! please No!! ill change please Y/N dont leave me I love you very much i didnt mean to hurt you in anyway im really sorry Y/N im sorry.

She said crying on my back and i finally gave up and hugged her back.

"Im fine but d-dont you ever think to chose your game over me again or else ill really brake up with you.

I said smilling and Kkura just smiled and nodded.

"Thank you Y/N thank you.

Kkura said.

IZ*ONE & ITZY (One Shots) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now