The smile that will Never be Mine K C.W

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The smile on her face lights up my night. The smile she always shows me whenever we are having fun. The smile that she shows to people but sparkles when she smiles at me but  one thing that smile that will never be mine...

Ive been Best friend with the goddess of our school Kim chaewon. We have been friends since kinder days and we are almost inseparable.

But there are two things thats really wrong is..To fall in love with your best friend...and to lose your bestfriend.

And I've experienced it all..


It all started on Monday. I was walking down the loud hallway as a new week of school starts but it wont be boring since chaewon is by my side.

Hey have you hear about the new student Kim minju?

I heard she is really pretty.

She is I'll guarantee you.

All of the kids in the hallway said well what's with this kim minju there talking about.

"Hey you alright?"Chaewon said while poking my right arm sjnce im taller.

"Yeah Im alright its just.. nothing"I said as we arrived at our classroom.

I sitted and my sit and the bell went on signalling for them to go to classes.

Our teacher entered the classroom with the new girl beside him."Ok so guys we have a new classmate. Introduce yourself"Our teacher said.

"Km Kim minju nice to meet you"She said while staring at chaewon while chaewon stared back at her.

She took a sit at the near window  and we continued our lesson.

Its now lunch and I was waiting for chaewon at the classroom door but when she excited she was with minju she didn't even saw me there.

I sighed and walked behind them Silently.We arrived and I got my lunch now and sit at where Yujin,Yena,Yuri and wonyoung is sitted hoping for chaewon to show up but she didn't.

"Hey were's chaewon unnie?"Yujin asked while I just shrugged my shoulder.

"Is that chaewon unnie with that new girl?"Yuri asked and J looked at the direction and saw chaewon being lovey-dovey with Minju on the other table.

I looked down while gripping my chopsticks really tight while the others looked at me in concern.

"Unnie are you alrigh- wait are you crying?!?!"Wonyoung asked while I looked at them while wiping my tears."No its just that the air right now is polluted and you know it get blurry when I saw chaewon with he- I mean its just the air"I said while wiping my tears.

"Im full now I can't eat anymore."I said and stand up and put the tray on the finished section and Slammed the door making everybody shocked.

It has been weeks since me and chaewon has talked and now I felt like im nothing to her,It felt like im invisible.

Its now Monday again the worst day to start my new week seeing them being lovey-dovey here makes want to stab minju multiple times but I can't..I can't.

Have you heard the news that Minju and chaewon are now dating?

They are OMG they're so cute I know that both of them will end up together.

Its more better if she ended up with Y/n.

I will thank you the guy who said that but she will never be mine again and now she is happy and Im here suffering makes her the one who has the advantage.

I know that her smile will always be brighter when she is with minju so ill just pretend like im nothing to her.. completely nothing.

I sat down at my sit admiring the gray sky thats surrounding the whole city right now well its perfect for my mood its dark its rainy..wait its swearing or ill sew your mouth)Ne..a/n.

Well yeah its raining now which makes it more cooler thinking that the weather is on my side not with chaewon.

"Ok so Y/n's sit mate Lina has dropped out of school which means that she is not here anymore and a new classmate is here"Our teacher said while letting in our new classmate.

Woah she looks cool

She has the bad girl vibe

Y/n's lucky that she will be her sitmate.

"Ok introduce yourself"Teacher said."Ryujin"She said with a blank face looking for a blank sit and her eyes landed on me."Shin Ryujin"She said as she walked at my way still looking at me.

Aishh why does it have to be me her sit mate.

She stared at me for awhile before taking her sit while me I avoided eye contact.

"Ryujin do you have any books?"Teacher asked."No sir"Ryujin plainly answered."Share with Y/n for now"Teacher said while I just looked at the .

"Y/n aren't you gonna share with me your book?"She looked at me while I was trying to process what she said.

I couple of seconds pass and I finally realized what she meant. I grabbed my book and give it to her while I was there blushing with embarrassment.

"Kwiyeowo"Ryujin said while pinching my cheek."No im not!"I said and pouted well she just laughed showing me her cute eye smile.

Dug Dug Dug.

What am I feeling?

"Lets just focus on the lesson N/n"Ryujin said winking at me making me blush really hard.

*End of flashback*

Me and ryujin had been really close and Ryujin know that I like chaewon but she always say that chaewon already has a girlfriend.

But now ive finally moved on im now happy with ryujin just replacing chaewon completely.

It was another monday morning when I heard some gossips revolving chaewon.

Chaewon and minju broke up.

All of a sudden?

Tssk tssk I never know The wouldn't last long.

I was just standing there while listening to there convo while someone jumped on my back.

"I missed you"Someone said."Who are you?"I bluntly said."Wow Im hurt N/n"Oh now I know ryujin.

me and Ryujjn walked towards our classroom teasing eachother when someone blocked my way and hugged me tightly.

"W-who is thi-" "Y-Y/n-ah im sorry."The girl said I know who it is just by the voice its chaewon.

"Why are you crying chaewon?"I asked as she pulled out from the hug."Me and Minju broke up when I realized something Im sorry I left you for Minju Im really sorry."Chaewon said while looking at me in the eye.

"Oh now you realized"I said."Im sorry I realized she wasn't the one for me it's you Y/n Its you!"Chaewon said while I looked at her shocked.

"When you weren't there Ryujin was always there for me the time I cried Ryujin is always there for me when you left me she became the other half of me because your the other half of me back then But you broke it!!She replaced you for me to feel loved again and I dont want to be with you anymore..When your with Minju I felt like im invisible invisible chaewon invisible!! So now sorry isnt the thing to say to me you know I hate that word..Sorry chaewon This smile"I said to her and smiled."Will never be yours"I said and walked out of school.

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