insecurities A Y.J

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I'm so insecure about myself..


I'm Jo Y/n I'm currently 16 and I'm in the age where insecurities hits me.

Insecurities, 1 word but can hit you really hard. Insecurities can damage you.

It's always like this..

Whenever your at school, you felt like someone's judging you, well it can't be helped.

Whenever your eating you have to cover your mouth with your handkerchief, because your afraid of people looking at you while you eat.

Whenever your in a crowded place, you feel so insecure, your afraid that the makeup your wearing is all smudged up, your afraid that you might smell bad.

It's really hard having insecurities, you can only just trust 1 person. And I'm always like that.

I only trust 1 person, my childhood bestfriend Ahn Yujin.

She is the schools biggest player and the most popular student. Even though she is like that, she has the biggest soft spot for me.

She always tell me that, "insecurities are  not permanent..someday you will get to love yourself, and i will be there to see that day."

I always feel so..lucky to have her. I feel so secured next to her.


I wake up between 5-6 every morning but this time I woke up at 4.

I wanted to sleep more but my eyes won't shut no more.

I stand up and stretched my bones out, I took a shower and made sure that I won't smell bad.

I dried my hair and did a little makeup, I cooked my breakfast and as I do so, I heard a small knock at the door.

I turned off the stove and washed my hands and opened the door. I saw Yujin still half awake.

She was already in her school uniform and I can tell she slept late. "What time did you sleep Ms.Ahn?"I asked as I leaned on the door.

Yujin tried to avoid my question and got in the house but as soon as she stepped in, I closed the door.

"Your not entering unless you tell me what time."I said behind the door.

"Come on Y/n-ie..fine.."Yujin said as she knocked on the door.

"Open it first."I opened the door and signalled her to come in. She sat at the dinning tables chair as I got ready to eat breakfast.

"I slept at 3:30.."Yujin said as she raised her hand. "Ya-" "but I didn't sleep late for nothing..I did my homework."Yujin said as she stopped me.

"Why didn't you ask for my help."I asked as I placed 2 bowl of rice and an omelette on the table.

"Hey, it's really's just science no biggy"Yujin said as she smiled while looking at the food.

"Woah!! Thank you for the meal!!"Yujin said as she bowed and eat. I looked at her and realized "I'm so lucky to have her"

We finished eating and I did the dishes. I was getting my things and put them in my bag, when I realized Yujin already did it.

"You lazy one, always fix your things before you sleep not after you wake up."Yujin said as she pat my head.

She wear my bag on her back while her bag on the front. I smiled as I look around and see if somethings isn't turned off.

We exited my house as me and Yujin quietly chatted while waiting for our school bus.

The school bus came and me and Yujin entered the bus. As we entered, murmurs can be heard as I just hung my head low.

Me and Yujin sat at the back of the bus as I just stared outside of the window.

Y/n doesn't deserve Yujin as her Bestfriend.

Eww Y/n is so ugly standing next to Yujin.

I bet 10$ that she is hanging her head low.

I bet 100% that someday Yujin will also leave her, like what Yujin did to her girls.

I hung my head really low as my eyes gets teary.

Yujin noticed why I was silent and she was getting really angry but I stopped her.

"'s not worth it to fight them.."I said as I get my bag from yujin.

"And I know that one day you will leave me aswell.."I said as I wiped my small tears.

"Hey I won't-" "look we are here already.."I said as I stand up and exited the bus.

I quickly entered my classroom and put my bag down.

I layed my head on my desk as my tears flows in.

"She will leave me someday.. because I'm ugly...short..I'm nothing next to her."I mumbled as I wipe my tears.

"Who told you I'll leave you someday?"someone said as that someone sat beside me.

I looked at the direction and I saw Yujin wearing her cute smile.

"Why are you smiling.."I said as I sniff.

" sound so cute.."Yujin said as she wipe my tears.

"Wanna skip class?"Yujin asked as I just stared at her.

She grabbed my hand and my bag as we sprinted out of the schools building.

We sprinted thought the streets as the cold breeze of the morning hits us.

I was starting to get exhausted as me and Yujin ran.

We stopped somewhere but as I look at the scene, it was so beautiful..since it's still morning, the orange color of the sky and the sun starts to rise it's just fantastic.

I was so amused as I just looked here and there. The tall buildings, the trees dancing with the wind. It felt like I'm in a fanfiction.
I was still admiring everything when I suddenly felt as soft "Y/n"

I looked behind me as I saw Yujin smiling. "Y/n..I've been meaning to tell you this ever since we were young...that I like you..I really do."Yujin said as her face started to get red.

"But how come..I'm ugly-" "You are not ugly!!, Your not many times do I have to tell you this..that your perfect in my eyes, everything you do, it just makes me smile."Yujin said as she started to tear up.

"Please don't care about what people say to you. Everybody has their own opinions, and my opinion for you is that your perfect. You just can't see it well, and I'll help you so you can see that your perfect."Yujin said as she hold my hands.

"Everybody has their own flaws..and you have your own flaw. Just remember that your perfect in my eyes, that your cute..your beautiful..but your small.."Yujin said that with all her heart but when the small part came..I laughed.

"I know I'm small no need to remind me.."I said as I looked at her with a smile.

I took a deep sigh as Yujin looked at me with a worried look. "It's fine if you don't accept me-" "I'm not rejecting you silly..I just realized I'm so lucky to have you."I said as I hug her.

"Everybody has insecurities, but don't let that insecurities get you."Yujin said as she picked me up and swung me around.

"I'm so lucky to have you,"i said.

"Me too."Yujin replied.


Every body has insecurities, but don't let that insecurities get you.


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