I love you 3000 C J.S

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I'll propose to you out of the blue, and I'll make sure you have no clue.


I'm Kim Y/n and I've been with the best girlfriend you could ever imagine and her name is Choi Jisu or also known as Lia.

We've been together for 5 years now even though we're both in a group and always busy we still have time for each other.

These days I can always here Lia mentioning Marriage, like. "Y/n, what would our life be if we get married." "Y/n who do you prefer to propose you or me"

I always hear Lia mentioning it, well I always find it cute. She always pout whenever I say "don't be fast Lia marriage is hard to handle."

But lately I've been thinking about it as well. We've been together for a long time and I think I want to spend the rest of my life with her.

I am walking around at the mall with my members Yuri and Yena. I've already told them about the plan of me and Lia getting married and all they can say is goodluck man.

"Stop being Lovey dovey your hurting my poor eyes."I said as I looked at the two love birds flirting with each other.

"Yah Kim Y/n your going to get married with Lia and I bet in your honeymoon you'll have so much fun that your going to forget us."Yena said smirking while yuri laugh.

"IF she accepts it."I said as my mind is  occupied by negative thoughts."Y/n unnie Lia is the one always talking about marriage she clearly wanted you to propose to her."Yuri said while Yena nod.

"I just don't know am I doing this fast?"I asked as I put my hands in my pocket."nope your not and you also want to spend your life with Lia right?"Yuri said as I just nod.

"Well your not going fast, and Y/n don't think about negative thoughts or I'll tell Chaeyeon."Yena said as I laugh.

"Chaeyeon loves me unlike you."I stated as I entered a jewelry shop. Yulyen followed behind as I look around for the perfect ring possible.

"Hello miss can you show me t your most, perfect ring."I said as the girl smiled at me and got a perfect ring.

"are you going to propose ma'am?" The employee asked as I take a closer look at the ring

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"are you going to propose ma'am?" The employee asked as I take a closer look at the ring.

"Yes I'm going to propose, and I think this is a perfect ring for a perfect girl."I said as I smiled while wear the ring.

"That girl is so lucky to have you ma'am."the employee said as I chuckled at her. "No I'm not,I'm lucky to have her."I stated as I put back the ring.

"I'll take this."I said as the employee nod and got back to work. "Y/n the ring looks expensive."Yena unnie said as I looked at her and nod.

"Don't worry it'll be so worth it."I said as I smiled. We left the jewelry shop and buy all the materials needed for this amazing proposal.

The other members of IZ*ONE and itzy already know that I'm going to propose. They are handling the beach that I'm going to propose at Lia.

Luckily Lia is in a photoshoot right now and don't have a clue of what's coming next.

I bought a bouquet of flowers and other materials while the Lee sisters are in charge of the fish that we're eating.

We already got the things we need and we're now heading home. My phone ring as I quickly answered it and it was Yeji.


Unnie, Lia is almost here at the beach.

Go and act cool and ask her to wear something formal.

What if she ask why.

Tell her JYP said so.

Ok then hurry
For you to get ready.

Thank you Yeji bye.

We arrived at the hotel near the beach as we entered our own rooms. Eunbi unnie then knocked at my door as I slowly opened it.

"Y/n-ie, we already finished the decorating. You ready?" Eunbi unnie asked as I nod as Eunbi unnie exited the room.

"Y/n, you can do it."I mumbled as I stated at the mirror infront of me.

I changed into a suit as I sighed one last time and grabbed the ring the flowers.

Someone knocked as I opened it revealing Yena unnie.

"Unnie,"I said as felt my hear pounding wildly. "Y/n even though unnie is always you know childish but let me speak to you wisely."Yena unnie said as she fixed the color of my suit.

"We met 6 years ago y/n at first I thought your older but then they revealed your age I was shock. We became friends with Yujin we basically became the unstoppable trio. Lia is so lucky to have you, your kind, lovely and so charming who wouldn't love you. Y/n-ah Lia will accept you don't worry."Yena unnie said as she smiled at me while wiping her tears.

"Oh come on I'm not getting married yet it's just a proposal."I said as I wipe the tears of joy. "Oh why are we crying, but Y/n do your best, Hwaiting!"Yena unnie said as she pat my shoulder.

I sighed as I walk out of the room and onto the beach. I saw petals and candles serving as a pathway while a really beautiful designed table on the end of it.

It was filled with lights just overall it's so amazing. I waited patiently as I saw chaeryeong Yuna and Ryujin guiding Lia while walking wearing a mask.

I saw Lia slapping Ryujins hand while Ryujin laugh at Lia. They walked towards me as I smiled at them. I walked towards Lia and signally them to go.

"Yah! Ryujin! Yuna! Chaeryeong where are you?!"Lia shouted as I giggled and take off her mask.

She looked at me while her eyes widened. I chuckled as I take her hand and guide her to the table.

"What is this Kim Y/n?"Lia said while looking around. "Nothing it's just I felt like having a date today."I said as I grabbed the bouquet of flowers and give it to her.

"You know this food is amazing."Lia said taking a bite of the steak that the Lee sisters made.

"I know right."I said as I slowly grabbed the wedding ring and looked at her then the ring. I smile as I looked at her cutely eating the steak.

"Lia do you know how much I love you?"I asked her. "Hmm I know how much."Lia said while willing her lips.

"You love me 100%"Lia said as she looked at me smiling." No I don't."I said as I stand up.

I put one knee down as I put out the ring that I bought. "Choi Jisu i really love you, and I made up my mind that I want to spend the rest of my life with you."I said as the others came out to see the scene.

"Baby, please take this ring 'cause I love you 3000. Will you marry me?"I asked as a year escaped my left eye.

"Yes I will." Lia smiled and hugged me making me pick her up and spin her around.

We broke the hug while the others clap their hands as I put the ring on lia's ringer finger.

I hugged her one last time as I whispered "I love you 3000"

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