When I was your man C Y.N

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Now my baby's dancing, but she's dancing with another man..


"Yo Y/n we are late for the reunion." Eunbi unnie said as I stared at her.

"I already told you, I'm not going." I said while I took a quick sip of my cola.

"Yah! You can't miss this special occasion, it only happens once a year." Eunbi unnies said as I sighed.

"I don't care, i have work." I said in annoyance. Eunbi unnie then threw me a hoodie as she dragged me to the bathroom.

"Get. Ready." Eunbi unnie said as I look at her. "Wait what-" "You stink, you have to look presentable." Eunbi unnie said as I sighed and looked at myself.

"Come on, I don't even have pants." I said as eunbi unnie opened the door and threw me my pants.

"Now go!" Eunbi unnie said as I chuckled. "Why am I even doing this.." I mumbled as took all of my clothes off and showered.


"Why do I have to go." I asked eunbi unnie as I put my seatbelt on.

"Multiple reasons, first reason is that I can't trust you by yourself at the dorm. Second reason you over work yourself and lastly." Eunbi unnie stated as she started the car then glanced at me.

"You skipped the reunion last year." Eunbi unnie said as I sighed in defeat.

"Your reasons are dumb as hell, you know that." I said as Eunbi unnie then scoffed.

"You know, that you haven't moved on yet." Eunbi unnie said as I tightened my grip on my seatbelt.

"I already moved on." I said as I leaned back. "Then stop running away." Eunbi unnie stated as I looked outside the window as we drove off.

"I'm not running away, I've been busy lately, plus it's hard working 12-24 hours at the hospital." I said while eunbi unnie nod.

"That's your fault, you wanted to be a doctor right? And they gave you a break Now, spend time with us." Eunbi unnie pay my shoulder as I just rolled my eyes.

"So, where are we meeting up with the others?" I asked. "At the bar, the bar we usually go to, since we're still college students." Eunbi unnie said as I gave her a small nod.

"There it is." Eunbi unnie said as she parked the car then we exited. I prepare myself mentally as I stared at the entrance in front of us as I felt a soft grip at my wrist.

"Let's go now." Eunbi unnie said as I nod. We entered the bar as I put my hoodie on, as I quietly look for the others.

I finally saw them as they shouted eunbi unnie's name. "Eunbi unnie!" I can hear Yuna shouting as I took a quick glance at them.

"Hey everyone, how have you been." Eunbi unnie said as I hid behind her. (Social anxiety.)

"All of us are great, and yuri and yena unnie are now together." Yujin said as I felt my heart tightens.

I pull myself together as I put my hoodie down and gathered the courage to speak. "Yo, I see you guys are still alive." I said as all of them looked at me shocked.

"Y/n! Unnie!" Yujin shouted as she stand up and hugged me. "Yujinnie. How are you?"  I asked as yujin didn't answer but hugged me tighter.

"Did you miss me puppy?" I asked as I can feel her head nodding. "Y/n's still alive." Ryujin said as I threw her a napkin.

"Of course I am." I said as I gave them a weak smile. My gaze then turn towards yena who was currently looking at me.

I raised my eyebrow as I then looked at yujin. I smiled as all of them invited us to sit.

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