Broken Promise K E.B

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Here I am still waiting for you to keep your promises.


"Honey! Let's eat lunch!"My wife said as I got out of my bed and walked downstairs.

"It's hard to walk when you're getting old."I said as I looked at my wife as she placed down the plates.

"We are now 50 accept it."Lia said as I nod and sat beside our daughter Hyemin. "Mom me and my friends are going out for tonight."Hyemin said as I looked at her.

"And where are you going?"I asked. "To pick up the books that we need and we have a project that we have to finish."Hyemin said as she took a bite of Lia's pork chop.

"Ok then, when I was your age..I was living my life to the fullest."I said as I recalled everything that happened when I was still in collage.


(30 years ago)

*3rd Person's P.O.V*

"Yah! Y/n let's go to a newly opened club near our school."Hyewon said as she looked at a 20 year's old Y/n.

"When will you get yourself a girlfriend?"Yena said as she sat beside Y/n. "We don't have to rush things."Y/n said as Yena and Hyewon laughed.

"Yah, you have to live your life to the fullest, you never know when you are going to die."Yena said making Y/n laugh.

"But still, we are now collage students. Studying is now our top priority."Y/n said as Hyewon slapped her head.

"You know what, we are picking you up at your dorm at 7 pm sharp, and we will not leave until you come. We will bring Eunbi unnie with us."Hyewon said as Y/n sighed and continued reading her book.

"What ever you say buddy."Y/n said in defeat knowing that she can't escape Yena and Hyewon.

Y/n's class already ended an hour ago and it's now 6:50, 10  more minutes before Yena and Hyewon crash into her dorm.

Y/n was going trying to find a place to hide but since her space is little, it's either she hides under her bed or hide in her closet.

She was going to try and hide under her bed when the door flew open revealing Yena and Hyewon with Eunbi.

"Where do you think you're going?"Yena asked as she hold Y/n's arms. "I was going to get holy water."Y/n said as she looked at Yena from up and down.

"I was never informed that a duck was red."Y/n said as she looked at Yena who was wearing a red dress, while Yena death glared her.

"Look I'm not going."Y/n said refusing. "Yes you are, you never had a girlfriend in your 20 years of existence."Hyewon said as she threw Y/n a blue dress.

"Oh hell nah."Y/n said looking in disgust. "Fine I'm going but I'm gonna pic what I will wear."Y/n said while the others sighed and nod.

Y/n wore an oversized shirt with a ripped jeans. "Are you serious?"Hyewon asked as Y/n nod.

"I am dead serious."Y/n said as she walked out leaving the others. They all entered eunbi's car as they drove towards the club.

As they were going near the club loud noises can already be heard while you're still outside. Eunbi parked the car as all of the got off.

"So how have you been?"Eunbi asked as Y/n smiled and said. "I'm fine, it's really hard controlling those two when you were gone."

"I'm sorry."Eunbi replied as Y/n pat her back. "Just don't leave us again."Y/n said as they entered the club.

Loud noises can be heard as people were dancing in the on the dance floor. Yena and Hyewon was now out of sight as Eunbi and Y/n was still talking catching up at each other.

All of them were childhood bestfriends, and Y/n and Eunbi has this thing called love between them.

None of them confessed as both of them are scared of the consequences that may happened.

Eunbi and Y/n drink some beer as the 2 was still out of sight, "Y/n, I have a confession to make."Eunbi said as she stared at Y/n.

"I liked you since we were kids. I know this is sudden but-"Eunbi was cutted off when a soft pair of lips landed on hers.

"Well bravo!"Yena shouted as both of them was actually hiding behind the 2, Eunbi  and Y/n stopped as all of them laughed.

"Finally!"Hyewon said as she high fived Yena. "We finally did it."Both of them said as they hugged each other.

"What a bunch of crackheads."Y/n said as Eunbi agreed.

(Few months later)

"Y/n, I need to tell you something."Eunbi said as she holds the hand of her girlfriend. "What is it?"Y/n asked.

"We need to break up.."Eunbi said making Y/n step back. "What?"Y/n said. "Please don't make me repeat it."Eunbi sighed as she tried to hold back her tears.

"Give me a reason why we should break up?!"Y/n Shouted making Eunbi shocked, Y/n never shouted at her not even once.

"Someone offered me to be a trainee, and you k ow how much I wanted to be an idol "Eunbi said as Y/n smiled at her.

"Oh.."Y/n replied. "Ok then, that's your dream, I'll just support you."Y/n said letting her tears drop non-stop.

"Don't worry I'll be fine."Y/n reassured Eunbi as Eunbi hugged her. "I promise you, I'll come back for you."Eunbi said as she put out her pinky.

"Promise?"Y/n asked. "Promise."


(To the present)

*Y/n's P.O.V*

It's now night time and I'm the only one downstairs, I grabbed my old album as I scrolled through the pages.

"Oh we are a bunch of crackheads back then."I said as I flipped the pages one by one while smiling ear to ear.

As i flipped through the pages I saw a picture of me and Eunbi at the club. I remembered that was the day she confessed, and the day she took my first kiss.

I can't believe I'm still waiting even though I know it's pointless, I know she already forgot about me, but I still believed that one day she'll come back.

I smiled as I sighed hearing those last words she said before leaving me.


"Hey you're still up?"Lia asked as I closed the book and nod. "Let's go to sleep now."Lia said as she hold my hand.


I'll still wait, even though I know it's pointless.


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