I'm in love with the Girl that I can't Have C J.S

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I like you, but I can't have you. I know you want me to, But something is stopping you. But I will still be happy for the sake of you, even though knives stabs me Everytime I see you.


I'm Ko Y/n I'm known as the popular ones in the school. Because I'm Handsome and Pretty at the same time.

Not to brag but I have win In taekwondo matches. Im also really smart, so I guess thats why they like me.

I have this crush on a really beautiful girl, Her name is choi Jisu but people call her Lia.

She is really good at singing and she is really smart aswell. Her parents own the Choi's and she is really rich.

But I don't care about the richness neither her singing. I like her because she once help me.

*Flash Back*

It was my first day of school. everybody is gossiping about me I don't know why but it creeps me out.

I was walking alone at the hallway when someone tapped my shoulder. I saw a boy holding flowers and 2 other guys behind him.

He handed me the flowers while  I say thank you."Um.. Y/n..Can you please go out with me?"The boy asked while I stood there without any emotions.

Should I feel happy or should I feel sad?,But I don't feel anything around him. And where did the flowers come from this was my 1st day and an admirer.

"I'm sorry but I can't"I said looking down."Y-You c-cant??"The boy said.

"Our feelings aren't mutual I'm sorry, But you can find another girl better than me."I said handing him back the flowers.

he got the flower and threw them away. He pinned me on the lockers while he smiled evily.

"Who...Do..you..think..you..are? to reject the one and only Jungkook?"He asked me still pinning me.

"I already said are feelings aren't mutual!!"I shouted at him making his hand raise, But before it get contact with my face someone shouted.

"What do you think your doing Jeon Jungkook!!!"The girl then walked towards us making Jungkoo step backwards.

"I'll make sure principal will receive this kind of unfortunate behavior Jungkook."The girl said making jungkook ran away.

As I sit there hugging my feets together, Crying thinking what he could've done to me.

The girl walked towards me and patted my back as I hugged her saying thank you every time she pats my back.

"Thank you very much.."I said still crying."Its ok..."She said.

"Im Jisu btw but Lia for short."She said helping me stand up."Im Y/n."I said as she comforted me for the whole day.

*End of the flashback."

I was now walking down the hallways as I put on my earpods.

Did you heard that Lia is dating Yeji??

Woahh?!?! Really I ship them hard.

Wonder if they would last long.

I stopped my track hearing those gossips early in the morning but with lia surrounding it, it's new.

I got to my locker, as I opened it a flood of love letters dashed me.

"Yah! what Is this!."I said as I stand up from the floor dusting myself.

"Early in the morning and I receive all of this. Tsk Tsk Tsk"I said as I try to clean up all of those letters when Lia started helping me.

"You ok there?"Lia said stacking it all again in my locker.

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