Return the Favor K H.W

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You made me feel so loved you take care of me and made me happy just this time, let me return the favor.


*Ko Y/n's P.O.V*

Me and Hyewon have been highschool lovers, It's not because I made the first move but it's just, were alike.

I've been planning for a while for me and Hyewon to have the best date. We are now 22 and I'm working as an idol and so do Hyewon.

I've been planning to go to Jeju island with Hyewon for our 4th anniversary.

And all I have to do now is talk to her about it. I got back home to my and hyewons shared apartment.

I opened the door and saw a cute Hyewon sleeping while playing Minecraft at our shared Xbox.

I but down my coat a walked towards Hyewon. I sat next to her while i grabbed the ticket at my bag.

"Hyewon.."I whispered softly to wake her up. "Uhmm?"Hyewon said as she rubbed her eyes and looked at me.

She smiled at me while I slowly showed her the ticket. "Go and pack up were going to Jeju tomorrow."I said as Hyewon sit up straight and looked at me.

"W-Wait, What?"Hyewon asked as she take a closer look at the ticket. "We're going to Jeju?"Hyewon asked as she stand up while running around.

It's unusual for Hyewon to run around like a kid but when it happens she must be really happy.

My smile me showed immediately as I see Hyewon running around. I ran towards her and hugged her tight.

I kissed her forehead as I hold her hand and looked at her eyes. "Just promise me one thing."I whispered.

"What is it?"Hyewon asked."even though it's hard for us to still be together but please, Say you won't let go."I said as I kissed her nose. "I won't let go."Hyewon said as she pecked my lips.

We got ready as the flight is early in the morning, we got our luggage ready and so our outfit for tomorrow.


I woke up really early as my eyes keeps closing. I slapped myself many times to wake myself up.

I looked at my right and saw my girlfriend sleeping peacefully on the left side of the bed.

I stand up and wake Hyewon up. "Hyewon, let's go we have an early flight today."I said as Hyewon pulled me making me lay beside her.

We cuddled for about 10 minutes while I remember that it's a really great day today. I told Hyewon to wake up as I stand up and pulled away from the hug.

I did my morning routine as I got our breakfast ready. I put the plates down and settled our breakfast then bring down the luggage.

"Hyewon the food is ready!"I shouted as I saw Hyewon in her coat. I smiled as I sat down.

We eat while Hyewon kept talking about what we will do at the trip, I told her that we can't do all of them 'cause we only have 3 days there.

We both go to our car while our managers drive, and to be honest I felt like it would rain.


We arrived at the airport as I wake Hyewon up gently. We both got out of the car and luckily there are no reporters around.

We both waited for the time of our departure while I played In my phone.

The TV then showed a broadcast of what's going to be the weather today.

"Goodmorning everyone, today our weather will be rainy, there will be 90% chance of rain today and it seems like airports are going to cancel flights. This is your reporter greeting you a goodmorning and goodbye."the reporter said as I look outside and saw the pouring rain.

I felt my heart pound so loud that I feel like something would happen. "Hyewon, my heart is beating so loud I feel like something would happen."I said as I looked at her and the rain.

"Something won't happen Y/n your just hallucinating."Hyewon said while I just nod.

Our flight finally came while I can still feel my heart pounding. We settled in our sit while I look outside.

"Don't think about it, nothings gonna happen."Hyewon said as I just smiled at her and nod.

The plane go off slowly and you can see the pouring rain, my heart felt a lot more at ease as my eyes felt heavy.



I heard a loud this coming from the airplane. My eyes widened as the airplanes oxygen mask falls and everybody panics.

I looked at Hyewon while she grip hard on the seat. A tear escaped her eyes as they distribute parachutes.

I quickly grabbed 2 as the pilot said."everyone please calm down we are trying to manage the system so kindly calm down"

Hyewon hugged me tightly as she cried,"Y/n!" Hyewon said as she tightly grip on my shirt.

"Don't worry, I'm here"I said as I tried to calm her down. I made her wear the parachute as I tried to wear mine.

I heard a lady cried for help as she hold her tummy. She was pregnant and she has no parachute.

I looked at mine as Hyewon shake her head. "Yah! Ko Y/n don't even think about it."Hyewon said as she hold me tightly.

"Hyewon, she has a child in her belly. I can't let that woman die with her baby."I said as I smiled.

I escaped hyewon's grip as I go to the mothers direction and gave her the parachute.

I saw the plane almost crashing as I told Hyewon to go and jump out of the plane.

"You made me promise to not let go Y/n!!"Hyewon said as hugged me and punched me.

"I made you promise, but we have to break the promise as well. Hyewon you know how much you mean to me, I would cry all night when your gone. You made me happy and you did alot of things for me so please, let me return the favor."I said as buckled the parachute on her.

I pushed her near the door as I kissed her forehead one last time.  "I love you, I really do."I said as I pushed her off the plane.

I saw her looked at me for the last time as she pulled the string for the parachute to come out.

I looked at the plane and saw people crying for help then I felt a hit substance in my skin.

I look at it and then a large piece of the airplane broke and dropped on top of me.

You did so much for me, you made me happy, you made me feel loved. So please just this time let me return, the favor.

Return the favor

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