Birthday Gift C Y.N

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*Again happiest Birthday to our Duck Choi Yena🐥*

"Its yena's birthday tomorrow but she is currently not in korea right now.

"So i decided to surprise her as her bestfriend but maybe we can be more than friends i just dont know?!?!

"I have feelings for yena for years and tomorrow im gonna confess to her.

"Im currently packing my stuff for tomorrows trip and im gonna tell you my plan.

"My plan is to surprise yena in stage and give her the flowers and confess and thats it well im hoping she will accept me but lets just wish me a goodluck.

"I was done packing and soon after I received a face time with..guess who it is..The one and only...Choi Yena.

"I answered it with a bright smile and I saw her beautiful duck like features which made me giggle.

"Why did you call choi?

I asked.

"Yah! are you here tomorrow?

She said looking down.

"Well I cant I have a schedule tomorrow.

I lied.

"Oh ok then..

"Why are you sad Ducky?

"Well im sad because my "Bestfriend" is not here for my birthday.

She said while a tear drop fell of her eyes.

"Just to be honest its my first time seeing her cry infront of me so im really sad I just want to hug her so bad.

"Shh dont cry Yuri will be sad.

I said.

"Yeah your right i shouldn't cry sorry i just you know...

She said.

"Dont worry be sad for your birthday alright i have to go bye bye Ducky i miss you.

I said.

"Bye bye i miss you "I love you" Bye Y/N.

She said and hung up.

"My heart is beating really fast because who wouldn't my bestfriend just said I love you to me.

"For me and yena we dont usually say I love you to each other I was just shock,Well i guess it could be goodluck for me,We dont know.


"I arrived to were IZ*ONE is and im now at the Hotel getting ready.

"To be honest My hotel Is actually near were IZ*ONE's concert is going to be held.

"I excited my Hotel and go to the venue.

"I called IZ*ONE's Manager to let me In and Ofc he nows that me and Yena are good friends and he also know that I like yena and he is going to help me today.

"Its been 2 hours since the concert started and Im in a different room with IZ*ONE.

"I go up to the backstage and the Mc said something to Yena and they blindfolded yena and I slowly got up the stage and Fans cheered.

"They all now me because Im an actress and they all now about me and yena.

"I got up the stage and I looked at IZ*ONE shocked they all sing Yena happy birthday and i stood infront of her.

"I sing her a happy birthday and she covered her mouth in shock.

"I took off her mask and she hugged me tightly and cried on my shoulder.

"Hey im here now but why are you sad.

I asked.

"Yah! Im just not sad im also Happy that your here.

She said letting me go.

"I Chuckled and asked her something.

"Choi Yena.

I said holding the mic near my mouth.

"Ive been meaning to ask you this for awhile now and I hope you accept me.

I said.

"Can you be my girlfriend?

I asked her and the crowd got wild and also IZ*ONE.

"Yena looked at me with a shocked expression and slowly nodded.

"Is it a yes?!?!

I asked.

"Yes! I will be your Girlfriend Bae Y/N!!!

She shouted and I run around the stage and hugged her.

"Thank you very much.

I said.

"No Y/N Thank you I thought id be the one asking you out but its the otherway around and this is the best gift ever.

She said Kissing my cheek.

*Happy Birthday Choi Yena!*

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