Tired L C.Y

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"I was at my and chaeyeons shared apartment and ass usual she is sitll not home.

"Well let me describe her Job,Her job is IDOL which means late night practice,stress,and lack of time for their love ones.

"thats her job while me Im a collage student and the time right now is 2:30 am and its our anniversary.

"Hostly everytime she is home I wanna ask her if she is tired of us if she is tired of me I dont know why but I felt like I really want to ask her that because everytime she is here I just felt like a burden to her.

"So I grabbed My car keys and the flowers I wanted to give to her and drove straight to the company she is in.

"after some time I arrived and Got in the Building only  a few people are just left so it is a little bit quiet.

"I arrived at IZ*ONE's studio and opened the door and saw chaeyeon dancing I smiled at her but she didnt smile back.

"I walked to her and waved my hand on her face but she slapped it away and continued practicing.

"I was kinda shocked and ofc i turned into serious mode and called her name.


I said but no reply.

"Lee Chaeyeon.

I said again but still no reply.

"I have enough!

I shouted and go over to the computer and turned the music off.

"She looked at me with an angry face and heavily sighed and Ofc I was really mad.

"She walked up to me and asked me what do you want.

"What do you want?!?!

She shouted I was kinda shocked.

"What do you think I want,I want YOU!

I said.

"Well if you want me you can wait.

She said and turned on the music and started dancing again.

"I sighed and grabbed her hand making her stop but again she slapped my hand again which is more painful for me.

"I sighed and a tear escaped my eye i hung my head low and just stared at the ground grabbing the flowers really tightly.

"What are you doing? are you crying I never knew your a cry bab-

"I have enough im tired chaeyeon im tired of staying up late just to make sure you got home safe I text you 24/7 just to make sure if you already eat or if your fine and lastly Im...sorry if I haven't been a good boyfriend to you but im sorry chaeyeon-ah Im really Tired waiting for you.

I cutted her off.

"And im not a cry baby you just dont know me well and lastly Happy Anniversary Lee Chaeyeon I hope you find someone Better than me and I know i didnt make you happy but I hope that new someone can.

I said while wiping my tears and handed her the flowers.

"I excited the building and burst out crying.

*Im sorry chaeyeon-ah im really sorry Im just TIRED already im sorry*

IZ*ONE & ITZY (One Shots) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now