No Label J Y.R

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Just, no Label


I'm Jung Y/n and I have a really close Bestfriend of mine and her name is jo Yuri.

Everybody has been asking us if we're a thing, because we are always sweet with each other, hold hands whenever we are in school.

It's just we always do what couples do, I sometimes wonder what are we?..friends?.. More than friends?..sisters?..

We always talk to each other, we say I love you and call each other love  but all I know is that we are just friends.

*Kring kring*

[{Incoming call from LovelyJoyul♥️}]


Morning My Y/n!!!

Hello Joyul..

Aww my Y/n just woke up..


Y/n-ie, it's already 6
I'll pick you up ok

Ok..bye My joyul

Bye My Y/n!!

[{Phone call ended}]

"It's a really great morning to start off my day."I said as I stretched and got ready for school.

I did my morning routine and as I ended yuri came exactly on time.

"Y/n!!"Yuri said as she jumped on my back and back hug me.

"Morning Joyul."I said as Yuri got off my back and sat on the couch.

"Y/n!! I dreamed about her!!"Yuri said as she start fantasising about Her.

"Oh really, that's why you called me, because you dreamed of Yena?"I asked as my smile slowly fade.

"Yezzer!"Yuri said in a satori. Then a awkward silence came as I pack off my things.

"Let's go Joyul."I said as Yuri got off her phone and happily hoped beside me.

Why does it always have to be Yena..

We walked to the streets as I still see Yuri on her phone. Me being a good Bestfriend did not bother to ask.

We entered the school and yuri hide her phone. "Y/n-ie"Yuri said in a cute voice.

"I know you want something Joyul"I said as I took a quick glance at her. "Can we get ice cream?"Yuri said as she cutely tuck my sleeve.

"It's too early Joyul."I said as I pat her head. "Please.."Yuri said as she gave me the puppy eyes.

"You know I can't handle that.."I mumbled as I nod my head. Yuri hoped around as I smiled at her.

We entered the school and the gossiping started.

The couple is back.

I hope they are real

"I hope so to buddy."I mumbled as we entered the cafeteria.

Yuri brought 2 ice cream. I waited near the exit of the cafeteria as she search for someone.

At first I saw that the extra ice cream was mine but was for Yena.

Yuri slowly approach Yena as I just hang my head low. I took a deep sigh as I fixed my hair.

Yuri came back with a smile as she hold  her ice cream, "y/n-ie!! Yena accept my ice cream!!"Yuri said as she happily ate her ice cream.

"Really?? Hmm.. that's a great start."I said as I opened the door for her.

"Maybe, but, do you want ice cream? I can buy one for you."Yuri said as she was getting ready to buy one.

I grabbed her hand and shake my head. "I don't feel like getting ice cream."I said as I slowly let go.

"Hmm..alright, let's go!"Yuri said as she headlock me even though in taller.

I always ask myself that..why would yuri always say I love you to me, is it me or does it have a huge meaning behind it.

I sat at me seat as I layed my head on my desk. I just stared at the clear sky as I think about the times that me and Yuri  are always sweet together.

"Haysss.."I said as I sighed.


The class ended and all I did the whole day was sleep, I don't feel like listening to my teachers boring lesson.

I just felt numb all of a sudden, I don't feel anything, I don't want to do anything.

I grabbed my bag and was going to head out when I saw a group of people circling someone.

"Yuri, would you want to be my girlfriend?"Someone said as I squeeze through the crowd.

"Yess!!"Yuri happily took the flowers from Yena.

My face went emotionless really quick, as I felt nothing.

I gave them a faint smile as I exit the large crowd forming them.

I walked alone as I listen to said music.

I entered my room and quickly change to comfortable clothes and layed flat on my bed.


[{New message from lovelyJoyul♥️}]


Are you already Home

Y/n I know you saw my message.

My Y/n is not in the mood..

Well I'm always here

I love you♥️♥️

"I love you to.."I said as I stared at my phone. "But your taken now.."I said.

"We have no label Yuri.."I said. "No label"I said.

[{Delete yours and lovelyJoyul ♥️ conversation?}]


[{Delete Jo Yuri's nickname?}]


N-O. L-A-B-E-L

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