Fairy K C.W

996 45 16

There are no other fairy like you.


"Y/n! Honey! be home early!"Mom shouted as I wore my shoes. We recently moved here, as I am still unfamiliar with my surroundings. "I'll think about it." I shouted back as I got on my bike as I started paddling.

 "Hmm.."I mumbled as I looked around. Are new house is on the country side as my mom wanted to live in a peaceful environment for me and my sister.

It's currently 3 pm as I feel the cold breeze touching my face and as cold sweat travels in my face. I'm a nemophilist a person who loves forest.

The thing is I'm curios if I can find forest here since it's the country side. I rode my bike a little faster as I suddenly went pass an unusual path.

"Woah, wait I think I saw something."I tightened the grip on my brakes as I look back. Since I'm young and curios, I biked back.

I saw this little path that seems to be a path towards the forest. I let go of my bike as I punched the leaves that are blocking the little entrance.

As I squish myself in I finally got in. I dusted myself as I slowly looked up, as I see beautiful trees everywhere. I roamed around as I can see unfamiliar source of vegetation.

"Woah a squirrel."I said as I crouched down as smiled at it. "Hey~" A whisper, a whisper that sent shivers down my spine.

My knees weekend as I dropped to the ground as I looked around and nobody was there. A faint laugh can be heard from the distance as my eyes widened.

"Hey~" Another whisper, another whisper in my right ear can be heard as I quickly turned my head but there was none there.

"hEy!"I shouted as my voice cracks as my body suddenly became numb. I covered my eyes and ears as my back touched a tree making me stop as I leaned my back against the tree. "Hey don't be scared, I won't eat ya, for now."A girly voice said as I slowly uncovered my eyes and ears as I looked up being greeted by a beautiful girl with wings.

"wa-"I quickly covered my mouth as she giggled as I pointed at her wings. "Oh this?" The girl said as she turned around showing me her wings. "Well, isn't my wings pretty?" She asked as I just stared at her. "I'll take that as a yes" She faintly said as I hugged my knees.

"Are you scared?" She asked as she sat down in front of me. "Who wouldn't?" I said as she nods. "That's acceptable.." She said as I can hear her soft laugh. "Don't be, I won't hurt you." She said as she then offered her hand.

"I'm Chaewon, The princess of the Nymophilist, and I'm a fairy. How about you what's your name?" She asked as I slowly looked at her. "I'm Y/N wait fairies are real!?" I asked as I stand up on my own. "Oh.. and yes we are real." She mumbled as she handshaked her own hand. "Well, Why are you here?" Chaewon asked as I saw the squirrel on her shoulder. "I was..looking around." I said as I stared at the squirrel. "Isn't my butler cute?" Chaewon said as I looked at her in confusion. "For the last time I'm not your butler chaewon!" The squirrel suddenly shout as My eyes widened as I walked backwards once again.

"T-The squirrel talked.." I said as I covered my mouth. "Yes you are." Chaewon said as the squirrel then transformed into a beautiful lady. "T-The.." I stuttered as I pointed at the squirrel.

"Hey watch your step!" Chaewon said as the tree suddenly opened as a walked backwards I stumbled making me fall in the tree. "Help me!!"I shouted as I flapped my arms as I was falling quicker than I imagined.

"Ohmyghadit! I'm going to die!" I shouted as I covered my eyes as I was waiting to land on the hard floor but instead I heard a voice. "Shish, you're kinda noisy." I uncovered my eyes as I looked at the person who catched me it was chaewon.

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