touch of comfort J W.Y

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The sounds I always hear from her a her heavy sobs. I want to comfort her but not by words but by touch.


*Son Y/n's P.O.V*

The sound of rain can be heard everywhere. the light of lightning  can be seen on the big window in front of me as I stare outside. Then followed by the thunder which seems Music to my ears.

 The lights finally gave out as a massive black out surrounds the city. I turned on the flashlight of my phone as I search to find candles.

I found none in my room so I decided to find some downstairs. I then heard the door creek so I turned my flashlight to the direction of the sound coming.

I then saw Wonyoung wet, her eyes are clearly red, aswell as her nose. She take off her shoes as she ran towards me. She cried on my shoulder as I don't clearly know what to do.

I hesitatingly pat her back as I still don't know what to do. My clothes are now wet as I pulled away from the hug. I signaled wonyoung to follow me to my dark room for her to take a shower.  

"Wonyoung-ah take a shower or you will catch a really bad cold."I said as I gave her my phone. "W-What's this for?"Wonyoung said as every word has a sniffing sound next to it.

"It's dark there so please take it."I said as I get her clothes a new set of undergarments. "I'll just go get candles, and you can tell me what happened later."I said as I walk out of the room.

I searched downstairs and after sometime I finally found one. Its a cotton candy scent. I lit it up and now The room is filled with cotton candy scent.

I got up to my room and I saw Wonyoung staring blankly at the wall. I wave my hand near her face as I place down the candles. 

She finally snap back to reality as she look at me."Care to explain?"I said as I sit beside her."She did it again.."Wonyoung said leaning on the wall.

"I already told you, she won't change. and dating you was just a bet."I said in a stern voice. Wonyoung then become a crying mess as I panic.

I had a mental breakdown as I don't know what to do. She hugged her knees and buried her face between her arms.  

"U-Uhm.."I said as I still don't know what to do. Wonyoung's cries even harder as hugged her knees tighter.

I slowly faced her and slowly hugged her. She then hugged me back as my clothes are starting to get filled with tear drops. 

"S-She said she w-will change*sniff*"Wonyoung said tightening her grip on my shirt. "Well, she doesn't deserve you. And its not worth it for you to walk around in the rain and coming to my house whenever you and Yujin have a fight."I said straightforwardly.

"W-Why are you scolding me?!?! You should be comforting me!"Wonyoung said as she punch me lightly.

"I-Idon't know how to comfort someone, You know that!"I defended. "Let me teach you then*sniff*"Wonyoung said as she pulled away.

"First rub the back and say 'its ok, she doesn't deserve you'."Wonyoung said doing the action on me.

"Second, Hug her and let her say what she's feeling and don't say 'mean' things to her."Wonyoung said emphasizing the word Mean.

"That's all you have to do."Wonyoung said as she look at me while sniffing."If you know  how to comfort someone why won't you try to comfort yourself."I said as I take my phone.

"And it's your fault anyway that you gave her the what so called 5th chance."I said as I stared at my phone.

I then heard small sniffs from wonyoung, I turn my head to her as I saw tears coming out of her eyes.

"Look im sorry.."I said as I turn off my phone. I go near her as I pulled her for a hug."If you don't want to comfort me you should've said it."Wonyoung said as she tried to get out from the hug.

I hugged her tighter as She still tried to get out from my hug."Don't push it, I know you can't beat my strength."I said as I pat her head.

"Y/n-n.."Wonyoung said as She cried harder."Even though I don't know how to comfort you, This is the only thing I can do for you."I said as Iet her rest.

She cried and cried as I just continued to pat her head. a few minutes later I finally heard snores coming out of her. I slowly looked at her puffy face from all the crying as I slowly laid her in my bed. 

I stand up as I looked at her peacefully sleeping."That's all I can do Wonyo, Even though I don't know how to comfort people but for you I'll try.."I said as I kissed her forehead.

Touch of Comfort 

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