Room 33 S R.J

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"Son Y/n! Get your lazy us up, it's your first day at your new dorm and your new school and you're gonna be late!"My mom shouted at my door as I spring up.

I looked at the clock beside me and it's now 7:30, and I have to go to my dorm at 8:10.

I ran towards the bathroom panicking as I saw my hair all-over my face.

I washed my hair and dried it and toothbrush my teeth, since I didn't have time to take a shower.

I wore my most comfortable clothes as I grabbed my bags and sprinted downstairs.

"M-mom.. I'm done.."I said panting while my sister laughed at me. "That's what you get for staying up late."Chaeyoung unnie said as I bitterly chuckled.

"Let's get going now, let's just buy McDonald's on our way there."Chaeyoung unnie said as I nod and placed my bag on the back seat.

"So do you have any idea who's gonna be your dormmate?"Chaeyoung unnie asked as I just shrugged my shoulders.

"I have no idea, but I want it to be a girl though."I mumbled as I fastened my seatbelt.

"Oh you gay little tiger."Chaeyoung unnie said as she ruffles my hair.

"Unnie you're making my hair look ugly!"I pouted making unnie stop and just focused on driving.

"Are you still in contact with Ryujin?"Chaeyoung unnie asked making me think, it's been 3 years now since we last talked and because she's practically 48 miles away from me that's why our communication faded.

"No."I plainly answered. "We're almost there but let's stop by at McDonald's."Chaeyoung unnie said as I nod.

"As long as it's your treat."I said as Unnie parked the car. We both entered McDonald's as I find out selves a seat while unnie ordered the food.

I finally found one, as I sat on the seat and waited for unnie. I got bored so I go on to twt because I wanna see some tea but I suddenly heard a familiar laugh.

At first it was nothing but the the way that someone talks reminds me of someone I knew. I was about to turn around when unnie put the tray in our table making me lost interest.

"Here's our food."Chaeyoung unnie said as I smiled and thanked her. We ate our breakfast quietly but unnie suddenly said something.

"Isn't that Ryu?"Chaeyoung unnie asked as I raised my right eyebrows. "You're hallucinating."I mumbled as I took my last bite.

"No I'm not look."Chaeyoung unnie stand up as she grabbed my head making me choke as she turn it towards a certain direction.

"U-Unnie.."I mumbled while I coughed rapidly. Unnie gave me a cup of water as I take a look at the direction unnie was looking at while gulping the glass of water.

"I guess, I'm hallucinating.."Chaeyoung unnie said as I nod. We both finished and drove towards my campus, unnie dropped me off as we bid goodbye to each other.

"You must be, Y/n? Son Y/n?"A random stranger said as she innocently smile at me. "I'm Choi Jisu, but you can call me Lia"She introduced herself as she place her hand out.

"Y/n, son Y/n."I said greeting her aswell. "Can I help you with that?"luggage of yours?"Lia asked as I refused. "I'm fine."I said but lia insisted.

"Oh and yeah I'll be your roommate."Lia said as I smiled and nod. We finally arrived at our dorm as I saw that the room infront of us has a Do not enter sign.

"Lia why does that room has a Do not enter sign?"I asked as Lia's mood seems to go down. "Oh it's nothing."Lia said as I just nod following her into our dorm.

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