Beautiful Stalker J W.Y

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Have you ever experienced having a stalker?? well I do I always experience it like right now.

I felt like every move I do there is someone who is always watching me from afar but I clearly dont k ow who she is or maybe a he.

Well in my case stalkers would likely to follow me because of my rich background and intense beauty (a/n:Not really) Authournim just shut up im explaining how my life is having a stalker so shhh!!(a/n:ok then your choice😏)

So yeah back to the story..yeah so most likely they always follow me thats why but this one is intense.

So this is my life having a stlaker.

*Kring Kring*

"Wake up Kim Y/n!! your late now!!"My brother kim Hanbin said basically getting shouted at is my brothers daily routine so get used to it.

"Yah im up no need to shout!!"I shouted back and did my mourning routine.

I ran towards the kitchen and saw my maids already putting down the breakfast and I can see no parents and yes im used to it.

"Finally its hard waiting for you kim Y/n now eat we only have 45 minutes left"My brother said while eating the bacon.

"Yes crazy brother dont worry I will finish this in 5 minutes"I said and ate my breakfast.

*30 minutes later*

"Yah you said your going to finish eating in 5 minutes your 5 minutes turn into 30 now go get in the car we are already late!"My brother said shouting at me and pushing me into the car.

"Good morning Mr and Ms Kim how was your slee-"Tucker said but my brother cut him off"No time for that tucker go chop chop"My brother said signalling him to drive.

We are finally at the school I sighed and looked at the clock but before I look at the clock I was cutted by the bell.I looked at my brother and both of us ran inside the school forgetting to tell ticker goodbye.

I ran Inside the Hallway and saw nobody there so I ran faster almost tripping and I saw my classroom in hope that my teacher isn't there I open the door mking my classmates look at me and I looked at the bored and saw my teacher there with a new student.

"Ms.Kim your late for the 5th time this month and I cant let you slide this time your going with me on Detention"Ms.Choi said with a faceless expression.

"I hate that word.."I mumbled and looked at ms choi and sigh while heading to my seat.

The girl is introducing herself while me I just looked at the window seeing the birds fly so high wishing I can fly aswell so I can go to my house and sleep faster.

My classmates cheered and I can hear different comments towards the girl I mean whats important to that girl while Im just here *tssk*

The girl walked towards her sit and stared at me for awhile but I didnt mind it people do it all the time.

*Magical timeskip brought to you by your lazy author*

Its now dismissal time I just stay at my seat bot moving an inch and just put my phone out of my packet and scrool to my Instagram account.

I looked at my messages and saw my stalkers account still messaging me I stared at the accounts and Backread our convo.

Im not that smart but I think she has been giving me hints like.

You did great yesterday JANG!

I mean Jjang is missed spelled as jang and thats a common last name and ther is another clue.

Did you eat yet and I didn't know that Wonyoung oppa froom Ateez is your bestfriend.

I mean again its Wooyoung not wonyoung..wait Whats thats new girls name again I think its ja?Jo?Jung?wait..Im trying to remember.

"Ms.Kim you cant be late anymore ok?"Ms.Choi said cutting me off from my imagination..wait Ms.choi knows her full name.

"Ms.Choi do you perhaps know whats the new students name?"I asked"Its Jang Wonyoung"Ms.choi said making me shock is she my stalker?"And speaking of Ms.Jang go and get her bag and go to the infimary she is there"Ms.Choi said and I quickly got her bag and go to the infimary.

I saw her there looking at the windows while the wind is shoving in her face making her more beautiful,I should've put attention towards her I didn't think she was beautiful.

She turned her head towards my direction making her shock"Y-Y/n why are y-you here?"She said stuttering.

"How did you know my name??"I said tilting my head side ways and she blushed I knew it!!she is her my stalker"I mean the your..mine..our classmates always talk about you thats why I know.."She said looking down.

"I already know it your my stalker right Wonyoung shi?"I asked but she didn't reply"I-I can explai-"I cutted her off"If you just said your my stalker I should've never snobbed you"I said"Oh really I gave you Hints many times!!"She pouted making me blush even more"H-how can you be this c-cute hehe"I said and she just hugged me"Hey I like should've told me I could've accepted you"I siad in a calm voice.

"I never thought your this beautiful in personal"Wonyoung said"Well I never thought my stalker would be beautiful"I said and made her blush.

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