Promise H H.T.M

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I'm Honda Hitomi and I'm 19, and I have a really sweet girlfriend named Son Y/n.

We have been together for 2 years now, and she means alot to me, we hangout everyday, but.. lately, we rarely hangout.

School started to be really hectic, as our test are coming up, so me and Y/n don't talk much since she is a year older than me.

I always see her in her classroom, alone, and it really made me sad.
Y/n is a sociable person, that's why, I'm not used seeing her quiet.

I'm now currently at school as our first class started, it was math, so you can expect that I'm bored.

I don't get bored easily but, when math subject comes, I can't concentrate.

"Sir may I go to the bathroom?"I said as I raised my hand. The teacher told me to go as I gladly, walked around the campus.

I then made myself to the bathroom as I heard puking noises, I entered as saw a familiar bag on the sink.

The cubicle door opened revealing my girlfriend Y/n, she was pale, and  she was stumbling.

She then turned her head to me as I saw her shock, "what are you doing here.."Y/n asked as her shocked face turned to a smile.

"I was just, walking when I heard puking noises..are you perhaps ok?"I asked as I cupped her face.

"I'm fine hii-chan, it's just, I ate..something bad.."Y/n said as she slowly removed my hand on her face.

She washed her face as she sighed and looked at me. "Are you really ok?"I asked as you can clearly hear my voice shaking.

"I'm fine hii-chan, don't worry about me, worry about your finals, it's going to happen, next next week right?"Y/n asked as she wiped her face.

"But-" " no buts, don't worry about me, I can handle myself.."Y/n said as she, cupped my face and kissed my forehead.

I suddenly feel like something is going to happen, my stomach feels weird as I can sense Y/n's action more weirder.

"Promise you won't leave me?"I suddenly blurted out as I looked up and saw Y/n, hesitating to answer.

"Uhmm..I-I...promise.."Y/n said as she looked down, I smiled as I asked again."promiseee?" "Promise."

*Kring Kring*

The bell rang signaling that it's now lunch, me and Y/n bid goodbye to each other, I walked to my group of friends as the all smiled at me.

"Hii-chan, where is Y/n, your not hanging out lately."Eunbi unnie blurted out as they all agreed.

"She wants me to study hard for the upcoming Finals, that's why she hasn't visited me or my family."i said as I eat my sandwich.

"Then why is she not sitting with us?"Yujin asked as I stared at her. "Y/n has her own friends, she can't be with me 24/7, she needs privacy as well"I said as they all aww in unison.

"I'm back!"Chaewon unnie shouted getting all of our attention. "Oh here hii-chan, for you, eat it."Chaewon unnie suddenly gave me my favorite, chocolate as I looked at it.

"How did you know, that that's my favorite?"I asked as I slowly grab the chocolate. " said it to me, when we were hanging out."Chaewon unnie said as she sat beside me.

"Impossible, Y/n is the only person who knows my favorite chocolate."I said as I looked down.

"Hey, I'm kinda mad you didn't remember telling me, remember, I'm your bestfriend"Chaewon unnie said as she proudly points at herself.

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