Untold feelings K C.W

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Is this right? Or is this so wrong, falling for your bestfriend.


I'm Jo Y/n and I have a beautiful bestfriend named Kim Chaewon. We're childhood bestfriends and just to summarize it were glued to each other.

I always find her really good of a person and I swear myself to never fall for her. But these days it all got wrong.

Chaewon has been more clingy than usual and all I can do is just go with the flow.

I don't know why but all I know is Chaewon has this big crush on the schools most famous girl Kim Minju.

Whenever minju's around she always clings and glance at Minju I don't know but whenever she does it my heart pounds.

But I know that she's just doing it for Minju to like her. This feeling of mine will never be told. All I can do is keep this as untold feelings.

I walked in the crowded hallway as usual as I put my earpods and my hands on my pocket.

I looked around and to my supt I saw no sign of Kim Chaewon around. I sighed as I entered my classroom as I sit on my designated seat.

I put my notebook and ballpen and began sketching about random things. I was doing my business when I hear a loud "Jo Y/n!"

I looked at the direction where the scream is heard, I looked at and saw Chaewon panting while sweat is dripping of her temple.

I grabbed my handkerchief as she walked towards me. I throw her my handkerchief and signalled her to wipe her sweat.

I looked at her and everything seems so colorful. It became slow mo as I just slightly gulp of the sight.

'No Jo Y/n you can't stare at your bestfriend like that.' I told myself as I got back to reality.

"What is it Kim Chaewon?"I said as I looked at her and back to my notebook.

"Yah! Minju told me to go to the rooftop later!"Chaewon said as she put the handkerchief in my desk push me back and forth.

"Yah, can you stop pushing I'm a human."I said as i slap her hand away from me.

"You don't look like one, cause your an angel in my sight."Chaewon said as she sat beside me.

I stared at her for a good 1 whole minute before I feel my cheeks burning.

I look back the board as I felt my heart pounding crazily while I grip on my ballpen tightly.

I didn't realize that I was holding my breath until Chaewon told me my face looks blue.

"Y/n-ah, your face looks blue."Chaewon said as I looked at her and breathe.

I pant as I rapidly cough while Chaewon pat my back. I told her that I was fine as the teacher came in and our lesson continued.


It's now dismissal as Chaewon told me to wait for her here. I looked at my wrist watch as I sighed and quietly wait for her.

I remembered what Chaewon told me earlier as a really big smile crept on my face.

I heard giggling noises at my right side, So I hide somewhere and looked at the direction.

"I'm so glad you accepted my feelings."I heard one of the girls say as they hold hands.

I saw a glimpse of the second girl and she was Chaewon. "Minju you don't know how long I've liked you."Chaewon said as they intertwine hands.

A year escaped my eyes as I scoffed and walked away out of the scene. I tear escaped my eyes as I walked away.

I looked at the handkerchief that I gave Chaewon as tears started to flow rapidly. "I guess my feelings are going to be untold feelings."I mumbled as I smiled and looked up and see the beautiful sky.

Untold feeling

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