My Catriona M S.K.R

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(if you don't know who Catriona is, she is the miss Universe 2018. She is kind, beautiful, smart and really lovely. There's a song here in the Philippines called Catriona, check it out it's really good.)


I love the way she makes me smile she makes me smirk, Yezzer.


*Seo Y/n's P.O.V*

She so beautiful oh help me! She's kind, she's perfect!! Oh shet!! Help me I'm falling so deep!

I'm Seo Y/n and I have this really big crush on our schools muse and my Bestfriend Miyawaki Sakura.

She is really beautiful and kind to be honest. I remembered it was my first day of school,


It was my first day of school and I have to pee, I was so nervous and really afraid to disturb the teacher in the middle of her lesson so I kept it myself.

I crossed my legs. Basically did everything to stop the water for coming out.

I looked around as I can feel sweat dripping off my temple. Someone tapped me from the side as I saw my seatmate looking at me concerned.

"Why are you looking uncomfortable?"she asked as she looked at me up and down.

"N-nothing it's just, I want to pee.."I said awkwardly as I tap my feet rapidly.

She laughed cutely as she patted my head, she raised her hand making the attention go to her.

"Sir, can I guide Y/n to the restroom?"the girl asked as the teacher nod and continued teaching.

We walked at the hallways as I just looked her side profile. We arrived at the bathroom as I entered the stall and surprisingly she entered the stall aswell.

"Well Y/n, why are you afraid of asking?"the girl asked. "I'm just scared that I might Interup the class, and the teacher looks so scary."I said as I can hear the girls laugh.

"Your right."she said as an awkward silence came."uhm, I'm afraid I didn't catch your name."I said as I continued my business.

"The names sakura, Miyawaki sakura."she said as we both flushed the toilet at the same time.

We exited the stall as we looked at each other and laugh."what a beautiful name, for a beautiful girl."I mumbled as I wash my hands.

*End of the flashback*

That's basically how I fell for her, since then we became Bestfriends. We always hang out while I just kept my feelings hidden.

I walked in the crowded hall as I can hear some students whispering. I then felt someone jump on my back as I already know who it is.

"Yah Ahn Yujin."I said as she got down and chuckled."do you know about the new trending song in the Philippines called Catriona?"Yujin asked as she turned her phone on.

I shrugged as I walked to my seat and placed myself in a comfortable position.

"Look,"Yujin said as she put ear phones on my ear and played the song.

I listened quietly while reading the English subtitles. To be honest the songs really catchy and while listening all I can think of is Sakura.

Definitely the line called, I live the way she makes smile, she makes me smirk, Yezzer. It's really catchy.

I smiled while listening and it's just that it really remind me of sakura. Speaking of sakura.

The door opened as sakura showed up. My eyes turned to her while I smiled.

She looked at me with a Stern face, my face turn into confusion as she walked towards me.

"Why are you smiling so wildly? Seo Y/n?"Sakura said as she sat infront of me and Yujin while crossing her hands.

"Umm..-" "what are you watching?"Sakura grabbed Yujin's phone as she saw the video paused on Catriona gray.

" this is why your smiling.."sakura said as she gave Yujin her phone back.

She turned to the board as I stared at her in confusion, first why is she acting like that, second is she jealous?

No Y/n dont jump onto conclusions. I tried to look at her side profile as I signalled yujin to switch seats so I can take a better look at her.

Me and Yujin switched seats as I stared at sakura while smiling. Her side profile looks so perfect.

"What are you looking at Y/n."Sakura said as she turned her head towards me while pouting.

"So cute."I said as pinch her bouncy cheeks. "Hey are you jealous?"I asked as I rest my head on my palm.

"No."Sakura sternly said as looked at another direction. I chuckled as tapped her shoulder.

"What."sakura asked."why are you so beautiful?"I asked her as I stared at her dreamingly.

"Go to your Catriona, Don't you know I also know her. She is the Miss universe 2018 and really beautiful, kind, ca-" "Like you."I cutted her off as chuckled to see her cute reaction.

"Don't get me wrong My cherry Blossom, Yujin is just showing me that music Video. And it's really good."I said as I grabbed her hand.

"And I think your jealous."I said teasingly as I winked at her. "Wow Seo Y/n. Let me remind you that I helped you go to the Comfort room to pee or if it wouldn't be because of me you would've had a really bad first day."Sakura said as she crossed her arms.

"And I'm not! I'm not jealous!!"Sakura added. I laughed really hard as it's my first time seeing sakura act like this.

"I know your jealous."I said as sakura scoffed."Fine! I am happy now?"Sakura said as she looked at the front.

"Don't worry your My Catriona."I stated as I looked at Yujin who is currently texting Wonyoung.

"Wait what?"sakura said as she looked at me. "Don't make me repeat twice Miyawaki Sakura, but since- fine. Your My only Catriona."I said as I hold her hand.

"If you don't already know j liked you for a long time, I've been really obvious but I guess you still don't know but yes I like you. I know the feelings aren't mutual but seeing you act like this gives me hope. But maybe not?"I stated as I looked at her eyes making her feel every words that comes out of my mouth are sincere.

I smiled at her and let go of her hand and get back to my business leaving sakura shocked.

"Did you just confess?"Sakura asked as I just smiled."wait, so you thought the feelings aren't mutual?"sakura asked as I smiled and nod.

"Well let me correct you. The feelings are mutual."sakura said as she smiled at me.

I take sometime to prosses it but I finally get it. So sakura like me aswell?!?!

"Wait, so you also like me?"I asked as my lips curled into a big smile. "Don't make me repeat it twice Seo Y/n."sakura said as I laughed.

"That's supposed to be my line."I said as I pout. "Let me clarify this Seo Y/n your not allowed to look or watch other videos of Catriona or other girls."Sakura said as she glared at me.

"Y-Yezzer!"I stuttered as I awkwardly laughed." Don't worry, your my Catriona 😏"I said as sakura smiled.

"Get a room!"Yujin shouted as we laughed at her while making funny faces towards her.


Watch it for you to understand this.🙂

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