I. Alexander

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I woke up, and immediately walked over to the window, looking outside. I would be absorbing the light that is coming through after I pull back the curtains, letting the light slowly fill up the room. I stretched quickly before going to change, brush my teeth as a yawn managed to escape me by the time I was done. I found my bed had been made by my butler. A knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts. 

"Come in," I said, and my butler entered. 

"Breakfast, sir," John said, as he bowed, before walking in and setting the tray on the coffee table. 

"Thank you, John. Oh, can you send someone to pick Hugo up, please?" I asked him.

"Of course, sir," He replied as he bowed before walking out. 

I walked over to the coffee table, and started eating, thinking about a lot of things, yet one thing that stood out in my mind was Regius Obligatus. So far, I had a lot of ideas regarding Regius Obligatus, considering I need to narrow it down to a list.

After thirty minutes, I was done when John came in and bowed. 

"Sir, Hugo is here on your request," He informed me as I used my napkin to clean my mouth. 

"Thank you, John," I replied as he went over and took the breakfast tray, then left, while Hugo walked in, bowed. He'd stand there, unsure of what to do.

"Well, Hugo, sit," I told him, as he sat down. John left and closed the door behind him, leaving the room in silence. 

"So, Alexander, what are we thinking about the locations and the application process?" He asked me, curious. 

"The application process will be a complicated one and the location... It must be very hard to find. Underground, maybe, or in plain sight. Or maybe both," I replied. 

"Let's plan some more or can I hear what you think about the application process?" 


I then start explaining a very complex application process: 

Branch application overview: 

Head & Deputy of said branchHeads & deputies of departments: War Intelligence National SecurityScience and Technology Information and Technology Personnel (academy for training & recruiting Troopers until they're sufficient to reach Private) [academy to train those who wish to train Troopers]Foreign Intelligence 

I/ Application period opens (last for one month)

II/ Application packages to be sent to the top 2% of top universities across the designated branch

III/ 11:59 pm (one minute prior to midnight) of branch time: application is mailed and received by Chief of Staff

III.I/Total number of accepting all applicants: 280 

⇒ Those who have failed to meet requirements will have their requirements reviewed and to be given jobs at the Regius Obligatus owned businesses in said branch

A/Decision process: 

A.A/1st day after deadline: narrow down applicant pool to ten applicants per job (140 applicants) 

⇒ Remaining 140 applicants: agent of the chosen department. Rank: Staff Sergeant 

A.B/ Narrows down the 140 applicants to the 70 chosen (5 per job) 

⇒ Sent letters of interviews at Headquarters

⇒ Remaining 70 applicants: agent of the chosen department. Rank: Warrant Officer Class 2

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