L. Alexander

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Thursday, 1st December 1932

I would be in the dining hall, the first one there out of the four, more cheery than usual. This is unusual for me to be first in the dining hall. I would be reading a newspaper and drinking a cup of coffee. Hugo, Colette and Isabelle walked in and headed to where I was. Least to say they were shocked. I would usually be the last one to be in the dining hall.

"Care to explain, Al?" Hugo asked and I glanced up from my newspaper before looking down to my newspaper again.

"Well, it's the beginning of December, the holidays won't be here for another two weeks, and we're halfway through the year," I replied before looking down at the newspaper, continuing to read it. After finishing their breakfast, and my cup of coffee, we head to our classes, bumping into one another on the way to classes, in classes, and to the dining hall for lunch, and before we knew it... the day was over and we headed back to Hugo and my apartment, just to have a study group. It was then, after a couple of hours, Isabelle and Colette left for their apartment, with escorts, of course. The two of us would then head off to sleep.

Monday, 30th January 1933

It was the evening of Monday, and it is the start of the third week of the spring term. In terms of the Christmas holidays, Isabelle's parents and sister came to London for a Royal Engagement tour, and I get to celebrate Christmas in London, but it doesn't look like I'm complaining. Right? Again, with the number of presents received and the continuation of political lessons with Winston, which is now turned into Regius Obligatus sessions.

Anyway, back to today and now. The four of us were in my apartment when I received word from an agent that Adolf Hitler had become chancellor, and I had to spit out the tea that I had just sipped. I looked at the agent, as I wiped my mouth, wide-eyed.

"Are you certain," I stated quietly. He nodded. I turned to Isabelle and Colette.

"Ladies, I'm afraid that you both need to leave. I apologize, but this is a matter of national security from what I have heard from this agent here," I informed them, and they nodded as if they both understood. Hugo just stayed in his seat, paled, wondering what it could be as Isabelle and Colette left.

I motioned the agent to sit, before catching Hugo up with the news. He paled even more, if possible.

"Alea iacta est, [The die has been cast,]" I stated warily, looking at both Hugo and the agent. The agent nodded, stood and bowed, then left. Once we were alone, Hugo looked at me.

"Are you sure."

It wasn't even a question.

"Yes. We have been following the events in Germany in the last few years. Well, at least me. I told Douglas as my Private Secretary, not Chief of Staff, to keep me a weekly update report on Germany since the Stock Market Crash back in October 1929," I divulged, implying of what's to come in the future, "I feared for the worst, and with Alea iacta est, it will start Regius Obligatus in a full-on warpath. The rest of the nation may not be prepared for another war yet, but Regius Obligatus will. The world is not be prepared for another war. But Regius Obligatus will. Regius Obligatus will be the forefront of spearing the heed of war. I will have a telegram to Grandfather and Winston be sent tomorrow. It is best to keep them in the loop considering this matter with Hitler is alarming."

It was then, after a few moments of silence, we headed off to sleep and I would have a night of restless sleep, having several nightmares one after another, of Hitler and his invasions. Every time I would do something different, I failed to carry out my duty and protect the people of Britain. I would just watch London burn, screams and cries all around me as I look around frantically, useless, unable to help. This drive will help the great desire to serve in the future, which is unbeknownst to me.

Tuesday, 31st January 1933

Dear Diary,

Ever since the news that Hitler had come to power yesterday, I have decided to come forward with something that I have been thinking ever since yesterday. Since there is a possibility that war is coming, and Regius Obligatus is preparing for the worst, I had to plan. Plan what, you ask? The wedding between the three monarchies of France, Denmark and England. I know what you are going to say. Isabelle and I are too young, and whatnot. But this will be executed in the future after the war. Why plan now, you ask? Because war can come tomorrow, in a couple of days, next week and next month. War is unpredictable when it comes to how long it will last. So, who knows? I want to be prepared. The best example that illustrates me being prepared, is Regius Obligatus gearing up for war, preparing for the worst.

But anyway, the following are just ideas I have come up with:

Formal Naval uniform or formal RAF uniform?? —>Ask Grandpapa The aisle will be decorated with French and Danish native flowers Location: Westminster Abbey (always) Food and drinks: ask Grandpapa for the ideal wedding menu Sketches of potential wedding dresses must be approved by Grandpapa, and must include the following: Inspirations of English/French/Danish flower designs Inspirations of past English, French and Danish wedding dresses


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