LIII. Douglas

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Saturday, 29th July 1933

Dear Diary,

Everything is slowly getting tense in Regius Obligatus, now that it is on full-war mode ever since January 30th, 1933 and it's only six months since Hitler was made Chancellor. So, it is not surprising to say in the least that, when drastic measures must be taken when it comes to planning the defence of Britain, the ultimate plan where Hitler and the Nazi regime must be taken down and crushed are being made at the same time. Yet, as Alexander had pointed out in the monthly Leadership conference, is that we do not know when the war will begin, and how long the Nazi regime will last. Speaking of Regius Obligatus... The bases in Asia and Oceania are now completed. I'm still unsure of how that has affected the planning for war.


Saturday, 19th August 1933

I caught up with Alexander when he's in the park. He had decided to take a stroll today. I had to agree with him since it's a lovely afternoon with lovely weather. Anyway, we were walking, and discussing politics, like one would expect with Alexander. But then, the subject changed to something more personal.

"Say... What did you think of me when you first met me, Douglas?" He asked, sounding curious as ever. I had to think for a moment when he asked me that question.

"The fact that you're mature for your age surprised me at first. After the fact that I learnt that you're a Royal Prodigy... It just blew my mind," I replied, "After all, I was bound to serve this nation one way other, and I thought it would be in the Royal Navy until your grandfather got me in the job as your Private Secretary. The call to serve you is a higher calling, I believe, than the calling to the Royal Navy, both of which is a high calling, mind you."

Alexander just laughed. We then stopped for fish and chips, alongside tartar sauce, being full Britons at this time of the day.

'But, aren't we Britons every single day?' I thought as I took a bite of my chips. Alexander and I would just relax for the rest of the day, talking about Regius Obligatus and nothing of importance.

Saturday, 30th September 1933

Dear Diary,

It's been more than a month into the fourth year of the quartet's fourth year of PhDs at the University of Cambridge. Nothing much is happening, except for the fact that this is a rather short update from me, besides for the continuation of meetings for Regius Obligatus, and the continuation of observation and espionage of governments, especially in countries noted in the red list of Regius Obligatus. It's the same old cycle happening ever since Alexander, and his friends had entered the University of Cambridge to do their PhDs.


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