VI. Alexander

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Meanwhile in London, Friday 24th April 1925: 

I was woken up by John. I grumbled as I woke up.

"What's wrong?" I mumbled as John handed me the envelope, with a seal from the Royal Military Academy.

"Letters, sir, from the Royal Military Academy," John replied, and I immediately sat up. John handed me the envelope opener knife, and I immediately opened the envelope and took out the letter. I read it.

I was gobsmacked, to say the least after I finished reading the letter.

I set the letter on the nightstand and get out of bed. I slipped my feet into the slippers before going to the restroom, and John started making my bed. I started my daily routine, and I soon finished, so I went directly to where my clothes were located - the bed. I then change before putting my socks and shoes on. I took my letter, folded it then put it into the envelope, put it into a pocket of my suit as I walked to the dining room, where I saw Papa and Mummy.

I sat opposite Mummy and fidgeting with my fingers. Soon, the butlers served breakfast. After breakfast, I told my parents goodbye, before leaving the dining room. I made my way to the entrance, thinking about the letter I received this morning. I went to the entrance of Kensington Palace, and I told the butler where I'm going.

He relays that information with the driver, as I got into the car. The driver then started the car, starting the drive to Buckingham Palace.

After fifteen minutes, the car arrived at the gate of Buckingham Palace, and it soon entered. The car then made a sudden stop outside the entrance. I said my thank you to the driver and butler as I stepped out of the car. I made my way to the library when I saw Lord Stamfordham. I stopped him in his tracks.

"Ah, Lord Stamfordham, the man I am looking for. Do you know where my grandfather is?" I asked him.

"Yes, sir, I do. The King is in his private study, without any appointments today on his agenda. Do you want me to go and tell him that you want to see him?"

"That will not be a problem, as I would be going there myself."

I then made my way there. I arrived and knocked on the door.

"Come in," Grandpapa said while thinking about what is going on. I walked in and bowed.

"Good morning, Grandpapa."

He looked up, before sighing.

"What is it now, Alexander?"

I took out my envelope from the Royal Military Academy, which includes letters from the RAF Academy and the Royal Naval Academy.

"I've passed my examinations and other requirements. I'm now Lieutenant and Flight Lieutenant," I'd grin.

"Well then, I do believe congratulations are in order. What else?"

I stared at him, slightly puzzled.

"Um..." I mumbled, "When do I start doing my Royal Engagements as the Duke of Cambridge?"

Grandpapa started explaining my Royal duties as I stood there, taking it all in.

"Understood?" Grandpapa asked me after he was all done.

"Yes, I do, Grandpapa," I replied with a serious note in my voice.

"Regarding the matters with your military journey, I recommend you continue your military education and journey."

I nodded, and something else popped into my mind.

"Also, besides my military journey, Grandpapa, is it alright for me to attend the University of Cambridge?" I asked him. Grandpapa stared at me.

"Whatever for?"

"To learn and to expand my curiosity," I replied in a 'duh' tone. Grandpapa sighed.

"I'll see what I can do, but I can make no promises, as I need to tell Cabinet and Parliament regarding this matter."

"Of course, Grandpapa," I told him, hoping to hell that I get to attend one of England's most prestigious universities. Also, it is good to show up at Cambridge considering I'm the Duke of Cambridge. Sure, it's a bit unusual for a member of the Royal family to attend a university, let alone receive an education that differs from a royal tailored education.

I bowed before leaving. I made my way to the library as I put my letters into the envelope, then in my breast pocket. After staying in the library for a couple of hours, I've decided to go out to the Royal Air Force base and meet my commanding officer. I've stayed there for three to four hours, before deciding to head back to Kensington Palace to work on matters relating to Regius Obligatus. 

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