LXXIV. Douglas

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Friday, 14th February 1936

Alexander would be in his room, refusing to do anything, except eat and drink. There are only two engagements today, but they were all located before noon. After lunch, Alexander had retired to his room, refusing to leave.

I entered, with his papers: Regius Obligatus and Royal. Alexander was just reading on his bed, not bothered to change, and not bothered to pay me any attention when I entered. I set it on the coffee table and looked at him.

"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"He's a bloody menace," Alexander mumbled. I raised an eyebrow, questioning him.

"Uncle!" He replied a bit forcefully, throwing his hands up as he let the book fly where it landed on the bed next to him. Alexander looked extremely frustrated.

"Why?" I asked, suspicious of the answer having to do something with Isabelle and the only time when the tradition had been broken. Alexander looked at me, still frustrated.

"The tradition has been broken," Alexander replied blankly, frustration laying under the blank statement, before looking back to the ceiling, "Are there any more events or engagements later today?"

"No, sir," I replied.

"Good. Leave me and do not disturb me," He told me. I nodded and bowed, before leaving. I closed the door behind me, knowing that he will just want to be left alone, as well as doing his papers on the coffee table.

I head back to my room, knowing that the love between Alexander and Isabelle is so obvious and right there in front of their faces. I wonder why they don't realise it? I think they realise it by now, but are very well at hiding the fact that they're in love. But, putting that off my mind, I went to do some of my own unfinished business. 

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