XXIX. Isabelle

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Friday, 4th January 1929

Dear Diary,

The winter holiday is almost over, considering it's starting next week. I recently, well more like quite often now since the start of the year, received letters from Alexander, in French. It consists of everyday things like we've always done, as well as our academic experiences. Considering this was written in the early morning today, like every day which is quite like him, wanting to be the first one to start the conversation, and this will be a short diary entry, unfortunately, because I have a lot of things that have been scheduled for today.


Friday, 25th January 1929

Dear Diary,

It's been three weeks since returning to the university, and like always, Alexander and I have always contacted one another. I've managed to set up a direct line with Alexander, having the occasional phone calls in the evenings. Our schedule somehow matches up when we have our occasional phone calls, which was a coincidence. It still is. These three past weeks have been a tough time, regarding my academic situation. From what Alexander has told me from his letters in French, he too has a tough time regarding his academic situation. Besides our daily letters to one another, and our academic situations, we've learned a lot more about one another, it was a lot easier for us to hold a conservation every time we meet since we first met almost four years ago. It's been a long day today, and I better get some sleep.


Friday, 15th February 1929

Dear Diary,

I just arrived back to Paris yesterday late afternoon, early evening, after surprising Alexander for Valentine's Day yesterday in Oxford. It was a fun and exciting day for me because I got to see Alexander again. Of course, I've spent the whole day with Alexander, Emily, Hugo, and Douglas, and getting to know Hugo, Emily, and Douglas even more. Of course, there have been a lot of things that have occurred, as well as currently happening, that was on my mind. I even got to see what Alexander wrote in terms of his French academic paper, where I did manage to criticize some of his points. He did logically defend his points, but, he had grudgingly added the counterargument into the paper.

But, anyway, I'll sign off now, because it's getting quite late, even though it's a Friday.


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