XIII. Douglas

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Wednesday, 30th September 1925

Dear Diary,

Considering it's the last day of September, this will be a mere summary – as I believe it will be - of what happened this month. Last month, Hugo and Alexander had decided that they'll attend the University of Cambridge, and me being me, I must follow them, as they both make up the Senior Leadership team besides myself. Speaking of attending university, I've decided to make good use of my time besides being the Chief of Staff for Regius Obligatus and Private Secretary. I have decided to enrol into the University of Cambridge, alongside Hugo and Alexander, and take several bachelors alongside them, so that the three of us would stick together, and get to keep an eye on the third in line to the throne. You'd think that the King had asked me to do this, but I did this out of logic, considering I'll be dedicating the rest of my life as a civil servant to the United Kingdom. I would gladly give my life for this nation.

Regarding the number of agents being recruited for Regillus Equus, there have been an additional 360 agents in Regius Obligatus now, starting as Private. For each department, there are 60 agents, and it is somehow a miracle. 6 departments and 360 new agents starting as Private. Regius Obligatus is now on its way to becoming one of those espionage organizations that are top of its game, slowly but surely. The agents are very diverse, in terms of where they're from, as the agents were recruited from across the United Kingdom (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland). The agents recruited are different from other organizations serving the Crown, as well. Regius Obligatus has a fair number of women working as agents, allowing them to serve their nation, with several positions available.

The financial situation now is... very interesting, as Alexander has a hand in this, buying stocks, investing in different businesses and how he's handling money is mature, even at his age.

The headquarters of Regius Obligatus is still amid construction, considering it just started last month. The plans that Alexander showed Hugo and I are very elaborate, unique, and it is very important to the overall structure of Regius Obligatus, after all his explanation.

I'm rambling, but as earlier today, I've sent all the agents the Letters of the Crown, including the letter of congratulations, letter outlining the nation's and the monarch's expectations, as well as a letter stating confidentiality. That's the current situation as of now. I need to go, as Hugo just walked in and told me that Alexander wants a meeting. Lord, the meeting better not be Regius Obligatus. I must go.


Monday, 30th November 1925

Dear Diary,

I've been writing in my diary every day since Father gave it to me seven months ago. Today's a special day. A total of 1080 agents have been recruited to Regius Obligatus, and the headquarters is twenty per cent finished, construction-wise. Today, I've sent the Letters of the Crown to the agents, the same thing that I did last month, and as of two months ago. Speaking of October... there weren't many events that happened, considering there's the recurring schedule of education, training and Regius Obligatus.

Education-wise, Alexander is the busiest of us all, followed by Hugo. Being the least busy out of the three, I have time to work on the financial situation, alongside with the construction of the headquarters, following everything by the letter, including Alexander's comments on what I am currently doing, since he doesn't want Regius Obligatus to be a mess and an embarrassment to him.

To be honest, here, I don't know how Alexander and Hugo managed their time, finding a balance between their training, their education and their roles within Regius Obligatus. We had a meeting earlier today, just to discuss what's going on in terms of Regius Obligatus: recruitment, the building process among other things.

Anyhow, I hear those two have training right now. I'll go and check upon them.


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