LII. Hugo

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Saturday, 29th April 1933

Dear Diary,

April is the month of Royal birthdays (obviously). There are three that happened throughout a couple of days, beginning with Isabelle's birthday on the 16th. Anyway, Isabelle, Alexander and I received similar yet different presents. Elizabeth's presents contain a great deal of stationery from Alexander, Isabelle, Colette and I. Somehow, we just decided that she needed that many? We just all unconsciously decide that we would all buy her stationary, without coordination at all. I guess she'll get creative in terms of how she will utilize it.

Well, for my birthday, it seems like someone had planned for months beforehand. But, knowing who I am friends with, it's probably them. Yet... I don't seem to know who had the final deciding touch. At certain angles, it's Alexander. However, looking at different angles, it's Isabelle. I think those two will be driving me bonkers if they end up marrying one another. But I hope they do marry one another. It's driving everyone bonkers that they didn't realise they're in love yet and confess to one another about it.


Monday, 29th May 1933

"Alexander, you better get your Royal arse up now. We're going to be late!" I yelled with slight annoyance in my tone of voice, considering he is still asleep. Alexander never oversleeps on a school day. Never. So why now? Why oversleep on a Monday, of all days?

"Hm... no, I don't think I will, Hugo... I am currently having a good dream. An extremely good dream," He replied, and I rolled my eyes, walking out of his room, knowing that he is extremely annoyed at me.

"Right. You asked for it," I muttered, and soon, I returned, with a bucket of cold water. I just emptied the bucket on Alexander, not giving a damn at all, nor giving a damn about the consequences. Alexander bolts up, awake as I walk out the room. Smirking.

The two of us would be in the dining hall, still on time for everything, thankfully. I don't know how Alexander and I made it on time. Isabelle and Colette looked at us when we sat down, not doing anything at all.

"What happened?" Isabelle asked, seeing Alexander's wet hair.

"I had an extremely good dream, and then this little wanker sitting next me ruined it," Alexander replied, in a slightly threatening tone, glaring at me.

"I'm going to get something to eat. Colette, care to join me?" I said - just to get away from the two of them - and Colette nodded. Both of us stand, leave the table and start walking together to get food.

"Have you two been waiting long?" I asked, and she shook her head.

"Well, it was less than five minutes when you two walked in. Somehow, I had the same problem with Isabelle this morning. She wouldn't get out of bed because of an extremely good dream. I know Isabelle quite well, and she never oversleeps on a school day," Colette replied, implying what the dream could be. 

"Hmm... interesting. Because that is exactly what happened to Alexander and I this morning," I stated and Colette stopped, grabbing my arm to stop me as she looked at me.

"Do you think what I am thinking?"

"They're just two Royal bigots who don't realise that they're in love. The fact that they're calling one another as best friends signifies how they just don't know. Also... Isabelle and Alexander overslept on the same day, as both of have an extremely good dream... That is more than a coincidence," I replied bluntly, and Colette just stared at me, nodded then continued walking, releasing my arm. We got our food, and was about to get food for the other two as well, but when we saw that they were already up and getting their food... Colette and I decided that we would keep it to ourselves, everything that we had said.

The four of us then head off to classes for the rest of the day.

Friday, 16th June 1933

Alexander and I would be in his office in the HQ of Regius Obligatus later that night, discussing the situation of Hitler and Germany as of this moment, considering he had shown signs of being a dictator. Events that best help illustrates this is trade unions being banned, the takeover of local governments and the Enabling Act. These events happened all in the last couple of months since he had taken over where it concerns Alexander greatly.

"So, any plans now that we are in full-war mode, Alexander?" I asked, curious, but I'm a bit muddy to what he's thinking and possibly planning.

"Nothing concrete so far. Everything so far is just... domestic," Alexander began, "If we - as a nation - would go war with Germany under Hitler... Might as well draw up a plan, involving me faking my death, you being a missing prisoner of war, and with the Regius Obligatus being established in Germany already, we would destroy Hitler on the inside. Through political means."

I just stared at him.

'This is a joke, right?' I thought, but the more I studied his facial expressions - the seriousness and the determination - it wasn't as funny as it seems.

"But, can't you get someone else to do it?" I asked worriedly, voice faltering slightly.

"No. If I put someone out there, risk their lives to bring down the Nazi government, then they will misinterpret a telegram, an instruction and I will not risk that. I will not risk their lives to get interrogated by that government," Alexander replied in a harsh tone, clenching his fist.

'Right...' I thought, 'You wouldn't want anyone to mess it up. Bloody perfectionist.'

"I put myself on the line, I know what to do. I know what my goal is and it's easy for me not to be... deterred to being all loyal to the Nazi regime. You know how patriotic and loyal I am to this country," Alexander continued, and I nodded as I was silent. I was stunned by his answer, but then I understand why he thinks that.

We then make a non-existential plan, as Alexander made a mental note to himself, concerning the fake death. His fake death. Not sure how he is so sure of this. But, no matter... We all must see where Hitler goes now, and how the world responds to the German threat. 

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