XXXVI. Emily

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Friday, 18th April 1930

Dear Diary,

Can you believe it? It's halfway through April, and less than two months away, the four of us would be graduating from Oxford with our masters. Today's Alexander's 9th birthday and guess who hasn't returned from their trip to Paris yet? He left since Tuesday night, and there's no doubt he's coming back tomorrow. Apparently, throughout Alexander's trip, Hugo here seems to take on the liberty of insulting his best friend, who's coincidentally his boss as well for that matter of fact. Well, not entirely insulting Alexander, more like mocking him of how Alexander is blind to the fact that he is in love with Isabelle.

It's been a long day, and I'd assume Alexander would want Douglas and me to be at his apartment, early in the morning for a briefing.


Saturday, 19th April 1930

Douglas and I made our way to Hugo and Alexander's apartment, and when we entered, there were present wraps from where we entered, to Alexander's office, making a trial for whoever entered the apartment. So, out of curiosity, we both followed the trial, entering Alexander's office. We saw Alexander staring at a piece of jewellery in his hand, studying it.

"Got something there, Alexander?" I'd ask.

"Yeah. It's a gift from Isabelle. It's a necklace. Nothing interesting to see here," Alexander replied, still staring at the necklace. Douglas and I glance at one another before looking at Alexander, who was still staring at the necklace.

"Alright," Douglas muttered, "So, shall we get something to eat?"

"Yeah," Alexander replied as he wore the necklace before hiding the necklace under his shirt. Alexander quickly tidies up all the presents and put the wrapper into a trash bag. With our help, we put his presents on his desk before heading out to the kitchen, where Hugo was waiting.

"Blimey, Alexander, there you are!" He exclaimed, looking surprised, "When did you get here?"

"Three - no, wait, yes, three hours ago. Bet you were still asleep; I was making quite a ruckus. No wonder you still look half-awake," Alexander joked, and he got the three of us staring at him, who was laughing. He'd stop laughing and look at each of us, looking slightly confused.


"Well, someone's cheery today," Douglas muttered, before heading to the counter to make coffee for him and me as I sat at the table, opposite Hugo. After relaxing at the table for an hour or so, telling what Alexander had missed for the past several days, Douglas gave him the dossier containing the briefing, and we'd give him our late birthday presents because we'd want to give him the presents ourselves.

After, we'd head to the park, getting fish and chips along the way too, as Arthur and Guinevere would be trotting a few steps ahead of us, alongside the litter of puppies.

'Typical of us,' I thought as we arrived at the park and just sat under a tree for the shade as Arthur and Guinevere would be watching over the puppies.

"Alexander, are Arthur and Guinevere a thing?" I asked.

"Yeah, they are. Guinevere gave birth to a litter when we were back in Sandringham during Christmas. Three boys and two girls. Albert, Archer, Athena, Benedict, and Mary. In that birth order," Alexander replied, "Only Hugo knows because I don't want to bother both of you with when they're born."

'Of course, he'd refer to me and Douglas, but whatever. It was probably quite late when that happened,' I thought.

"So how do you know who's who?" Douglas asked, and so we were introduced to all the puppies.

"So, do you show favouritism, Alexander?" I asked, curious.

"I don't," He replied as Albert made his way over to Alexander, where Alexander would be seen playing with him. Douglas and I stared at him, knowing full well that he's denying what he just said. It wasn't long before we'd made our way back to Alexander's apartment and we stayed there for the rest of the day, allowing Alexander to catch up on his assignments.

Friday, 2nd May 1930

Dear Diary,

Almost there to the finish line, and guess who decided to invite Isabelle to the graduation ceremony. But then again, it's not surprising, considering its Alexander, and Deja vu, he was invited to Isabelle's graduation ceremony. Well, that seems like the big update, nothing much, diary. I'm sorry for the short diary entry again, but Douglas, Hugo, Alexander and I are holding on.


Friday, 30th May 1930

Dear Diary,

We've been rehearsing the graduation ceremony, and truth be told, I am very excited. I believe this is fair enough, in terms of education, and I think Douglas agrees with me because he had confined in me not long ago that having masters and bachelors from the two most prestigious schools in England is more than enough for him, and he believed that he was overqualified for the Chief of Staff for Regius Obligatus. So, we had both decided that we would dedicate our time after graduation for Regius Obligatus, and work more behind the scenes.


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