XCIII. Sophia

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Monday, 30th May 1938

Dear Diary,

The climate and the weather in Paris are now warmer since we are now transitioning from the spring to summer. This past month contains both Antony and my birthdays. Yesterday's was Antony's birthday. So, as a curtsy and a tradition, Isabelle and I sent Prince Antony handmade French and Danish gifts. I gave him handmade books - both in French and Danish - knowing that he is a linguist, like his elder brother, so I'm told.

Overall, this past month consists of more summer activities, besides the fact that Isabella and I do have our lessons, and duties to behold too. Everything is just usual. If there is anything that is currently happening in politics worldwide, I have been shielded away from it. Isabelle, too, is being shielded away from it. I'm not entirely sure why that it is, but it just is. Speaking of my elder sister, it has been over thirteen years since Alexander and her have met, and the fact that they are both in love yet to have confessed feelings for one another baffles me. I mean, thirteen years of knowing each other, don't you think they ought to have some feelings for one another?

I'll have to cut this entry short, as there wasn't much to reflect back upon as every day is just like every other day.


Thursday, 23rd June 1938

Dear Diary,

Nothing has changed much, as every day has been the same. Except for the fact that I have a crush on Hugo, a close friend of Alexander, according to Isabelle. They're inseparable. This crush has developed recently. Hugo and I have been sending letters to one another, alongside a number of other people that I have made acquaintances. Through the letters, I started to learn more about Hugo, and the more I want to hang out with him. Yet, I'm not sure if he would like me back. I would talk to Isabelle more in regards to Hugo, finding more about him.

Again, I'll have to finish this entry short. Everything is just the same as every day, according to my daily schedule.


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