LXV. Antoine

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Saturday, 14th September 1935

Dear Diary,

Everything seems to be back to 'normal', yet, now that I am head of the French Branch of Regius Obligatus, an organization that Alexander had set up for the sake of many different factors. It has been a whirlwind of information to take in, as reports are coming from all around the world that discusses different things, ranging from politics to social life. By being the General-Director of such an international espionage organisation, it seems to have baffled me, that exactly ten years ago, Alexander - a three, almost four-year-old boy - had developed an organisation where it seems to have put other espionage organisations like the MI6, the FBI and many others to shame, and probably worry.

This, in my view, comes with a price. The applications are very strict, only requiring the best of the best, and only receiving the top of the top. Also, there are even stricter rules than most espionage organisations due to its large-scale influences across the world. However, although these prices are very small compared to what Alexander had achieved through Regius Obligatus, it is a very well-done job, that Regius Obligatus is still going, and it has never faltered. Looking from both the outside and inside perspectives of Regius Obligatus, it is a very organised organisation, with a strict hierarchy that is respected worldwide.

As everything seems to have reverted to pre-World War I era, especially for George and I, Alexander had assured me - that by being Head of the French Branch - it would give me more access to things that didn't get picked up by any intelligence forces.


Monday, 28th October 1935

Dear Diary,

Events in both Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy has given me, George, Alexander and Winston a worry that I fear, would never be gotten rid of until the day Nazi Germany falls. Italy - under Mussolini - had invaded Abyssinia on the third of October, while last month consisted of the true definition of German citizenship through the Nuremberg Laws. As I had returned to Paris from London not long ago for a month-long Royal visit, where I got to meet with George, Alexander and Winston to discuss these matters, and the actions taken by Regius Obligatus, including the present and future actions. Unfortunately, they are quite confidential. I wouldn't want to be the one to leak any information to Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. I would die before they get to torture the living hell out of me. I have a nagging feeling that Alexander, Hugo, and a number of other people would lay down their lives for their country before they would give away any state secrets to the enemy.


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