XCIX. Alexander

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Thursday, 11th February 1939

I would be in the library, reading a particular book in German, meanwhile taking notes. I looked at the binder that contains the previous notes that I had written in regards to when I had read this book ever since 1933. Re-reading this with new information that had surfaced over the years adds to my perspective, changing my interpretation of the information, as I would continue to read between the lines of the author's intent. It did help me gain insight into Hitler's past, and how it moulded him into the person he is now. By understanding this, it will help me bring down the tyrant. I do have people questioning my mentality, but I gave them reason and logic in rebuttal, so they accepted it due to the logical reasons I gave them.

Someone walked in and sat opposite me. They cleared their throat. I glance up to find it's Winston and Hugo. I then went back to what I was doing.

"Why are you reading Mein Kampf?" Hugo asked, curious and somewhat questioning my mental state.

"By reading this, I get to know Hitler as a person, and no, I'm not pro-Nazi. Reading Mein Kampf, I learnt a lot about him, hence it'll allow me to use it to my advantage," I replied bluntly.

"You mean you plan to carry out the Inner War to its fullest extent?" Winston asked, with a look of concern on his face.

"Yes. Hitler deems that I am a threat. Once I am removed from the equation hypothetically, he would meet you as Britain's Prime Minister. Hitler would want to break Britain into submission, but knowing you, you will never ever break nor let this great country die in Hitler's hands, nor let him break it," I replied, "Providing that everything goes according to plan."

Hugo and Winston glance at one another in worry, as I continue to read and make notes, not giving a damn about the two of them and their worries about my mental state as I was concentrating on reading between the lines. They stared at me.

"Are you both going to stare at me all day, because I do believe that you both have work to be done," I commented blankly. They didn't scramble out of their chairs, but slowly stood up and walked out - being dramatic and what not - as they whispered to one another, yet more likely questioning my sanity.


Friday, 12th February 1939

I would be in my bed like I have for the last half an hour. So, guess who woke up at 4 AM and decided to skip a leg day again? It's a rare occasion for me to do so. I'll make it up tomorrow. Sure... I would, so don't worry about it. I would be throwing a tennis ball and catching it with my right hand as I stare at the ceiling, contemplating everything. After what happened last month, I don't think I'm interested in my own love life anymore because what's the point? I heard the news from Regius Obligatus that both Philippe and Isabelle are getting quite close. So, who am I to get in between the two of them? Maybe, someone who is distraught, depressed and desperate to get her back? Who... me?

Hugo walked in, coincidentally skipping a leg day as well, and it seems like we have telepathically communicated with one another to skip a leg day or something. He looked at me after closing the door as I paid no attention to whoever just walked in.

"So, skipping a leg day, hm?" He asked. I just stayed silent.

"Valentine's Day is coming up and you don't think you have enough courage to do anything, don't you?" Hugo continued, and again I just stayed silent.

"You and silence rarely work well together," Hugo noted as he went to the cabinet to make a drink for both of us, "The moments when you and silence work well together, it's quite... menacing."

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